Thursday 2 May 2024

A Postcard A Day - Thursday 2 May 2024 - Second on the 2nd

 Hello lovely ladies,

Today I am publishing a blogpost from 10 years ago for Elizabeth and Bluebeard's Second on the 2nd.

 This weekend it will be Mother's Day in Spain and the scrapbook page featured is very appropriate. 

My mum died last September at the age of 99. My sister and I will be meeting up in the Netherlands to celebrate what would have been my mother's 100th birthday on the 5th of June. 

Here is my page from 10 years ago:

Mother's Day: Scrapbook page for my mum

Hi everybody, welcome to my blog!

I love doing the scrapbook challenge that Debbi Tehrani & co think up every week at CSI:Color, Stories, Inspiration. Come and play with us, it's great fun! (

As its Mother’s Day today in most of Continental Europe, I thought I’d scrap another photo of mother for the Case File 120. 
Here she is in the picture with my younger sister Anneke.
I struggled with this challenge. The colours did not come together and the vellum that looked so beautiful, now seems ‘dirty’. But, I solved it somehow.
The colours are all there: The blue, the white and the salmon pink, no problem. The bright green is in a little heart at the bottom and the kraft brown is the frame of the photo.
Evidence: Textured paper, mixed media background and gesso. Also raindrop shapes, scribbles (the stamp top right) and the fun bit of placing something upside down. (the button and the scribble stamp)
Testimony: I’ve made a vellum holder for my journaling.

My journaling:
 “As it’s Mother’s Day this is in honour of my lovely mum Anny (here with my sister Anneke). In the photo they are both all prettied up for my parents’ 60th wedding anniversary in 2010.
My mum is from a strong and tough generation. She was 16 when the Second World War broke out and The Netherlands were occupied by the Germans. How hard that must have been to spend her teenage years in hardship and deprivation, and suffering real hunger that last winter of ‘44/’45.
Mum is very intelligent, a real ‘wise old bird’. If she would have had the opportunity to study, she would have had a university education, but again that was not her destiny. She decided (with my dad of course) to be a ‘stay-at-home-mum’ for me and my sister which we both appreciate and we grew up in a stable and loving environment.
I’m proud of my mum. She is independent, in spite of her deteriorating eye sight and mobility. She still uses her computer (with special software and huge screen for the partially sighted), and travels to Spain and the UK to visit her daughters. Of course she doesn’t like us living so far away but she optimistically says: You’re only a phone call away. In fact, I Skype her every weekend and we have long chats.
Next month she will be 90 years old and my sister and I are looking forward to spoiling her for her birthday.”

Mum doesn’t know I’m doing this page so it will be a surprise for her when she reads my blog.... I love you mum! xxx

Thank you for stopping by. 
God bless and..... keep on scrapping!


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a fabulous second look, Lisca. That's certainly a lot of constraints, but you met them beautifully. This was definitely a first look for me! So glad you shared this amazing second look on the 2nd. Also, enjoy your time in June with your sister.

My name is Erika. said...

It's great to see this, and I'm glad you and sister will be able to get together to celebrate your Mom's 100th. She had a great long life, but I know that doesn't make it any easier when they pass. You still miss them, I imagine. I hope you've had a great start to the new month hugs-Erika