Tuesday 14 May 2024

A Postcard A Day - Tuesday 14 May 2024 - T for

 Hello lovely girls,

Here we are again, ready for the T-Party hosted by Elizabeth and Bluebeard. I'm going to show you a drink or two of course for the T-Party but first I'd like to show you a postcard that arrived this morning actually (I'm writing this on Monday):

It's a lovely map card of Australia with Western Australia highlighted. The text reads: "Western Australia constitues one third of the Australian continent, a vast 2,5 million square kilometres of fascinating diversity. The capital cityPerth, beautifully set on the Swan river overlooked by the  magnificent Kings Park, the largest park in the Southern Hemisphere. Western Australia's 6,500 species of wildflowers is the greatest variety in the world. The largest concentration of precious mineral resources known on the entire planet. Western Australia's area of 2,525,500 square kilometres is large enough to fit the whole of New Zealand, the USA state of Texas and the whole of Great Britain. Western Australia is indeed a big state."

And who sent it to me? None other that Iris! Thank you so much Iris! I really like it.
 She couldn't find any postcards in Australia, but when she did, she bought too many. And she sent one to me from Germany, so I can show you some really nice German stamps:

I haven't been able to find much information on the stamps, only that the series is called The World of Letters. Here is the whole series:
The Message in a Bottle was designed by Bettina Walters but I don't know if it should be part of this series.

And then there is this Muppet stamp:

Germany issued an €0.80 stamp March 2, 2020 to commemorate the children’s television show Sesame Street; Sesamstrasse in German.

The design depicts six Muppets: Bert, Elmo, Cookie Monster, Samson, Tiffy and Ernie. Samson (a bear) and Tiffy (a bird) were created for the German version of the show.

What have I been doing this past week? Well, I've had my lovely friend Maggie visiting me. We visited the cathedral in Guadix (see my Friday blog) and we went to the art gallery where I had been before to see the photographic exhibition. We walked through the photograph rooms and headed for the paintings.

The artist is Andrés García Ibáñez.
The room I liked best was where there were paintings inspired by classical music. 

There was a QR code next to each painting, so we could listen to the music. 
Ibáñez is a local artist who was born in 1971 and is still quite prolific. Here is a photo of the artist from the Internet:

I cooked lunch at home that day, but we did go out to have a pizza in the evening and of course I had to have my photo taken with a drink in my hand:
I'm drinking a dark beer (alcohol free as I was driving).

Here is my friend outside the museum:

That is all from me today. 

A happy T-Day to all and...
Keep smiling!



My name is Erika. said...

That's a great map postcard and really shows how big that part of Australia is. Well how big the continent is. I like those sesame street stamps too. And that is one huge sculpture. It looks like you had a fun visit with your friend Maggie. I hope you have a happy T day. hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia said...

I thought you will like that one :-)
And I am impressed with the post office! Usually the man takes the most boring stamps, but I still had Sesame Street and for once he got creative!
Samson and Tiffy were the reason why my Dad and I quit watching - my little Brother watched by himself...
They are horrible, German characters, not the original.

Wow that is some huge half-body!
Guess what I just finished... pan pizza.

Impressive head behind your friend! Have a great T-Day.

Mae Travels said...

Thank you for taking us on your visit along with your friend. I just caugt up on your visit, and enjoyed the art and architecture around you. Thee’s another artist working today who also does huge white sculptures (at least one other) — his name is Jaume Plensa — also Spanish.
Have a good week with lots of new postcards. I always find some in museum shops.

best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

DVArtist said...

I really love that card and all of the stamps. What a wonderful visit to the art gallery. That statue is just amazing. You look happy.

CJ Kennedy said...

Fun trip to the museum and cool to pair the paintings with music. Lovely photos of you and your friend. Your pizza looks quite substantial. Happy T Day

Valerie-Jael said...

Glad you had such a good week, the art exhibition looks very interesting. And your Pizza is huge! Happy T Day, Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

How incredibly thoughtful of Iris to send you that amazing postcard. I LOVE it. And IL especially like the letter postage stamps. They are very clever.

What a unique and awesome museum. I am constantly amazed at how the QR code is used and this is wonderful that you are able to hear the music as you observe the painting. That is one huge bust. Looks like an even bigger head. Seems you and Maggie had a great time at the museum.

That is one big pizza. Loved the photo of you and the beer which are perfect for T this Tuesday, dear Lisca. Thanks for sharing your day at the museum, your postcard, and your drink with us for T.

Sharon Madson said...

Lisca, you have such a beautiful smile. Thanks for visiting me already. I am slow this week. I can't comment unless I come into my craft room and use my computer. I would love to see the painting and here the music that inspired it. Happy T Day.