Friday 17 May 2024

A Postcard A Day - Friday 17 May 2024 - Friday Smiles

 Hello lovely ladies,

Here's a round-up of highlights and smiles of this week, but first a postcard:

It's Stonehenge of course. It arrived two days ago and it was meant for my birthday! (Which is in March). The card is shaped like the Stonehenge, so I think it might have got stuck somewhere during its journey, or the automated postal system just can't cope with non-standard shaped mail.
I'm holding it in my hand here and you can see the shape:
My friend Keren sent it:
The info reads: "Started 5,000 years ago, Stonehenge is an extraordinary monument to the achievements of prehistoric engineering. This view shows one of the trilithons in the inner sarsen horseshoe, consisting of a pair of huge uprights capped by a curving lintel." 
I didn't know what 'sarsen' was, so I looked it up: a silicified sandstone boulder of a kind which occurs on the chalk downs of southern England.

The stamp was not cancelled:

What were the highlights of my week? I supposed the fact that I got my railcard for Europe. And that I booked a seat on the train from Madrid to San Sebastian, from there a short hop over the border into France, and then I'm booked on the night train to Paris. Tonight I'm going to sort out Madrid, as I'm staying one or two nights there to see the sights. I've lived in Spain for 12 years and I've only been to Madrid once. So it's exciting. Obviously I have no photos.

I do have a photo of my lemon blossoms:
I have a small lemon tree on my little patio and it is flowering. Big smile! Also my dipladenia is budding:
It will be sod's law that it will flower when I'm away....

I've had a lovely weekend. We had a fellowship meal with the English speaking Bible group and I had a video call with my eldest who celebrated his 50th birthday on Saturday. I spoke to all the kids and grandkids. Definitely a highlight, (but no photos.)

My friend Kim and I had our hair done on Tuesday and afterwards we went for drinks and tapas. 
On Wednesday I had my lovely lodger to lunch. I try to do that once a month just to catch up as we don't see much of each other (he works shifts).

That's it from me this week. Of course there will be some funnies at the end.

I'm going to link up with Annie at A Stitch In Time and I wish everyone a great weekend.

Keep smiling!


Does that mean that if I see Scoobydoo I have no brain?


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a fascinating postcard. It definitely was worth the wait. Better NO cancellation than my postman who drew all kinds of marks all over two uncancelled cats. I was furious.

I hope you have a great trip. Lucky you.

My favorite was the testicular guard for cricket. They were all funny, though. Have a great weekend, dear Lisca.

Cloudia said...

What treasures today!

Iris Flavia said...

Cool card and wee sounds like another great trip in the making!
Your funnies really made me laugh out loud!
I have the Earth today, too...
Have a great Friday!

mamapez5 said...

The post card is something special. When I want to send something like that I pop it into an envelope. I have been to stonehenge many times. It is quite impressive.
You have more exciting travels to look forward too.
I too have blossom on my lemon tree but there won't be as many fruit as we had last year, because of the dry winter.
Lots of good funnies again. Kate x

Annie said...

Love your post card. The funnies had me chuckling....thanks for that.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Got to be quick today as I have stuff on. I'm loving the postcard and stamps of course. You always have plenty going on which is good and loving the funnies too. Take care and have a good time away. Hugs Angela xXx

My name is Erika. said...

A belated birthday postcard is better than never getting it. Especially when its really cool. Have a super trip Lisca. It sounds like something I would love to do. hugs-Erika

LA Paylor said...

bwaahahaha the brain is also important. Too many men still don't get that around here.
yes, use whole eggs just mix them first. These keep for a while in the fridge too so you have ready to go breakfasts. bake 25 min or til temp is over 165F

that cake... my fave too. I didn't have kirch sadly but that would have taken it over the top! As it was dh said it's the best cake we've ever had. And because we made it, no preservatives

wish I could visit stonehenge and the other henges
we're considering a move to France, so we might get to visit lots of historic sites.

Rostrose said...

Dear Lisca,
a great card, I'm glad you still got it, even if it was late.
Oh, so pretty, your lemon blossoms and the buds of your dipladenia. Unfortunately, sometimes you miss the blooms at home while you're elsewhere. But you will see other beautiful things elsewhere ;-) Madrid, how wonderful! I've never been there before, but I hope that it will work out too. (It's not as far away as Australia after all ;-DD) I wish you a great trip!
Very funny, your funnies. I was particularly amused by the thing with the Testicular guard and the helmet. That says a lot about men ;-)
In fact, there are people who only experience a concert through their phone - and we always stand behind them and only see it on their phone, too... ;-)
All the best, Traude

nwilliams6 said...

Fun funnies! Fun post! Love the Stonehenge card. Happy late birthday too. Hugz