Tuesday 28 May 2024

A Poscard A Day - Tuesday 28 May 2024 - T for Travel, Lithuania and paella

 Hello lovely peeps. 

This morning at 8 a.m. I will have left on my travels. My dear friends Kim and Andy are giving me a lift to Granada from where I will get on a bus to Madrid. Exciting stuff!

But let me show you my postcard for today:

It is the Lithuanian town of Klaipéda, (or Memel as it was called in its German days). The street no longer exists but it was called Friedrich Wilhelm Strasse. 

To show you where Lithuania is:

It is the third largest city in Lithuania as well as the only major sea port in the country.

Here is an old image:

Sadly 90% of the old town was destroyed during or demolished shortly after WWII.

The church on my postcard is the Reformed church.
Here is a photo of that same church I found on the Internet:

View of Friedrich-Wilhelm-Straße : On the right is the whitewashed St. James Church (Lithuanian Country Church), opposite on the other side is the Reformed Church .

Wikipedia says: The construction of the Reformed Church was completed in 1683 and rebuilt and decorated from 1779.  Many of the Memeler Reformed came from England, Scotland, Holland, France and Switzerland. In 1688 there was a Reformed school.

During the Russian era the church fell into disrepair and was closed in 1775. The foundation stone for a massive church was laid, but due to financial difficulties it could not be completed until 1794. This church was also completely destroyed in the great city fire of October 4, 1854.  This church was demolished by the Soviets in 1944.

Interesting stamps:

Gediminas, grand duke of Lithuania:
 Wikipedia writes:
He was a founder of a new Lithuanian dynasty, he is also regarded as founder of Vilnius, the modern capital of Lithuania. According to a legend, possibly set in 1322 while he was on a hunting trip, he dreamt of an iron clad wolf, who stood on a hill, howling in an odd manner as if thousand of wolves would be howling at once. He consulted his vision with his priest Lizdeika who told him the dream spoke of a city that must be built at the exact place and decided to build a fortification on the confluence of rivers Vilnia and Neris, where the place of his vision was pointed out.

 The church on the right-hand stamp is the Vilnius cathedral. 

It is called the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God, and is located in the old town on the banks of the river Vilnius. The construction began in 1342 and the church was consecrated in 1346.  

Wikipedia writes: After 1748  ​it was badly damaged by the fire that raged all over Vilnius and was abandoned. Only after a longer time - in 1785 - the church was rebuilt and acquired baroque style features. in 1794 during the uprising, the church was heavily damaged by the artillery of the Russian army in Vilnius. After this destruction, the church was not rebuilt, and  in 1808 was transferred to Vilnius University . In the building, in 1822. anatomy auditoriums, and a library were installed . Later, there were barracks, warehouses, an archive and even a forge . In 1865 - 1868 , the church was rebuilt and returned to the faithful according to the project of Nikolai ChaginIn 1949 and 1957 capital repairs of the church were carried out , and in 1980 and 1998 , it was restored .

I haven't been able to find out much about the other stamps.

This week has been a busy week with packing and organizing things for my absence.

I went to the gym for the last time:

When I come back, they will have packed up for the summer. Next gym in October!

The schools are winding down too. I saw the local school children come out of the school on their way to some activity:

Every class has a different colour t-shirt.

On that same day I saw one of the local chaps park his motorbike. I see these things daily but always forget to photograph them. 

Here is his motorbike (a substitute for a donkey) with baskets made out of asparto grass:

It is an ancient craft still practiced in our village.

Me and my four girlfriends (two Patricias, Antonia and Conchi) always try to get together once a month (difficult as three of them are working). Conchi suggested she cook a paella. Paella is a famous rice dish from the Valencia area of Spain. Conchi was born in that area and does a mean Paella:

This is for all you cat lovers out there:

And that is all from me today. I'm going to join the T-Party at Elizabeth and Bluebeard's.

Oops, I have no drink. Okay, here is one:

Happy T-Day everyone!



DVArtist said...

Ohhh I love that card and all the information. Madrid, I would love to go there. Have a wonderful time.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

How lucky to be on your way to Madrid (via Granada). But I knw that is only the first leg of your journey, so it won't be long until you are in Paris, where Mae is right now.

That is a beautiful postcard. I always love that you go into such detail to share your knowledge of both the postcard and stamps. That looks like a replica of a very old postcard, too.

That is a gorgeous paella. Lots of extras in it, like green beans and meat. That should be plenty for you five hungry ladies.

I had to laugh at your drink reference today. Such fun. Thanks for sharing the postcard, stamps, trip to the gym, paella, and drink with us for T this Tuesday, dear Lisca.

Anonymous said...

How amazing to see the traditional donkey panniers still being made, but adapted for motorbikes instead! Love the "thinking cat" - I could do with one of those!

Iris Flavia said...

Interest infos around the card.
The gym packs up for summer?!!! Strange...
That´s a huge Paella.
Awwww, cute cat!
Wow on the bottle! And I thought this was a faulty production what we got!
Enjoy your holiday!

Empire of the Cat said...

Enjoy your trip Lisca, I have been to Madrid, a long time ago now. Love the thinking cat lol ~ Elle

Valerie-Jael said...

Have fun on your travels, I think you like being out and about so often! Have a good time whatever you do! Happy T Day, Valerie

Rostrose said...

Haha, I'm just laughing at the drinker at the end ;-DDD
Your post was again very interesting, dear Lisca. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are among the countries that I would like to get to know better. These countries have been through a lot, destruction and change, as you also tell and show with your postcard. So far I have only been to the Estonian capital Tallinn on a Baltic Sea cruise, which was very beautiful and exciting and begs for MORE. I had the impression that the people there had put aside all the unpleasant past. (But at the moment it's all too close to Russia for me.)
Your gym is closing in the summer?! That would be my downfall!
All the best and have a nice trip, Traude
PS: I love paella and thank you for showing us these donkey transport baskets on the motorcycle - tradition and modernity ;-DD

Mae Travels said...

I enjoyed the old-new technology — traditional baskets, hi-tech cycle. Reminds me of how some farmers in Sicily paint their motorized farm trucks with the traditional designs used for the famous decorated horse carts.
Have a good trip… mae

CJ Kennedy said...

Interesting history of the Gediminas stamps. Loved the dream and interpretation. Oooh, that paella looks awesome. Nice to have a get-together with good friends. Happy T Day

nwilliams6 said...

Sad that pretty church is no longer there. That paella looks so good - I have had it once in Tampa and fell in love. Lucky you to have a friend who is a master maker. Wonderful pictures. Have fun on your trip. Happy T-day and hugz

Spyder said...

Yay! Think I've found you! I love the cat picture!and of course the paella looks lovely, hubby used to make a great paella. Happy very late T for tuesday day, am typing form somewhere else so internet is doing fine so far! ((Lyn))