Tuesday 21 May 2024

A Postcard A Day - Tuesday 21 May 2024 - T for pretty dress, a tower and Spanish ham

 Hello my lovelies,

I found a postcard at the bottom of my box that got overlooked I think. It dates from 2021 and comes from St Petersburg.
It shows the Romanov empress Elizabeth Petrovna in Tsarskoye Selo.

Elizabeth or Elizaveta Petrovna reigned as Empress of Russia from 1741 until her death in 1762. She remains one of the most popular Russian monarchs because of her decision not to execute a single person during her reign, her numerous construction projects, and her strong opposition to Prussian policies. Wikipedia

Tsarskoye Selo was the town containing a former residence of the Russian imperial family and visiting nobility, located 24 kilometers south from the center of Saint Petersburg. 

The residence now forms part of the town of Pushkin. Wikipedia

The card was sent by Anna from St. Petersburg:
As you can see it was very cold when she wrote the card.

The stamps are the standard , but beautiful Russia stamps:

Well, what have I been doing this week?
I have been on a long walk (13 km) on Sunday:
It started in a nearby village of Freila. It's a place I have driven through countless times but I had never actually walked through the old part. The centre was decorated with crocheted circles hung up in the streets:

The route led us towards the reservoir:
There we found an ancient Arab tower called Torre del Maruq.

There is me with my hat on (it was quite sunny).

But today we are meeting at Elizabeth and Bluebeard's for the T-Party so I need to show you a beverage.

On Saturday night a small group of people learning Spanish or English get together to practice conversation. After we've done that, most of us then move to the nearest bar and have a drink:

Where I live in the province of Granada, we receive a free tapa with every drink. That night it was bread and cured ham (jamon) with some green olives. Very nice. My drink is partly visible on the left. It is called 'clara con limón' , which means lager with lemon.

That is it from me today.

Happy T-Day,



My name is Erika. said...

Long walks are good. Especially when you get to see new things, and I love what you saw. It almost looks like you're in the American west.Not the town but the lake area. I like your hat too. It looks like it will keep the sun off your face and neck too. Have a super T day. hugs-Erika

Valerie-Jael said...

I miss my long walks but I am happy that I can still walk a bit! Your hat is very nice, it's important to keep your head covered! And the lemon and lager sounds good, too. Have a fun week, hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

Elizaveta Petrovna was one we would wish for now!
Thank you for another history-lesson, I didn´t know about her.
Love those circles! And free tapa- wow! Fun and yummy times! Happy T-Day!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

That's a beautiful postcard. I like Elizabeth Petrovna's choices she made. I can see why she was so popular with her people. I'd love to live in her mansion.

The photo of the town of Freila is amazing. Seems like one house is on top of another, though. The crocheted circles liven the place.

That tower reminded me of a hornet's nest!! I liken your hat, but I fear I would get hot under it.

Those tapas look good. I understand your cured ham is much different from what we call "cured ham." Nice drinks you shared, too. Thanks for taking us on your hike and sharing your lager with us for T this Tuesday, dear Lisca.

kathyinozarks said...

You receive the nicest postcards and I do enjoy the history. I really need to get back to walking-we live on a circle around an area of the lake with hills so a good walk, that is an awesome plate of food free with your drinks.
Have a good week

Mae Travels said...

Your walk looks great… you find so much to see, and next to Madrid and onward!
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Wonderful area to walk in.
I didn't know about Elizaveta Petrovna.
Thank you for the interesting info.
Enjoy the week.

nwilliams6 said...

So fun to catch up a bit with you, Lisca. I am always amazed at your long walks and how beautiful everything is! I have started walking but the most I can do without a long break is 3.5 miles - I need to do something to build up more. Maybe doing it every day.

How fun you get a snack with every drink. I think that would help if we did that here too! It would be more expensive but would help people drink less.

The Russian queen should come back. She would do better than current leadership. We need to bring back some of best here too. Can you tell I am reading a good ghost story right now? LOL.

Loved all your pictures! Happy late T-day and hugz

Anonymous said...

I love that gown! Trying to figure out was it a dress or coat, but Mr Google tells me women didn't seem to have warm coats in the 18th century, just layer upon layer of undergarments to keep them cozy. I'm guessing it's a "robe à la française" or slack-back gown, but with fur trimmings for the Russian winter! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sack-back_gown
The style was often chosen to show off a beautifully patterned material, as this one is. Thank you Lisca for introducing us to such an inspiring woman ruler...

Anonymous said...

...from Keren

DVArtist said...

I thought I commented on this. I really love the card and the Russian empress. The stamps are beautiful. You are so active and that is a good thing.