Friday 25 November 2022

A Postcard A Day - Friday 25 November 2022 - Friday Smiles

 Hello lovely ladies, how are you all? It's been a tough week for me and I struggle to find smiles this week, but every cloud has a silver lining and it helps to 'dig them out'.

But lets start with my customary postcard.

It comes to me from Jaime in Washington DC in the USA. He had been on a trip to Tennessee, camping in the mountains.
The card features LeConte Lodge, accessible only by hiking trails (ranging from5.1 to 8.2 miles in length). It is the highest guest lodge in Eastern U.S. at 6.360 feet.
This is probably the view the card was made from:

I would love to do that sort of thing. I walk and hike a lot in spite of my age. (In my walking group I'm always the oldest).
According to the website, there are individual cabins and there is a communal dining room, as a meal is included.

They use llamas as pack animals:

You know when you are taught how to relax and they tell you to imagine a beautiful place where you'd like to be, like a sunny beach. I try to imagine mountains. And this would be my dream image:
I couldn't think of anything more beautiful,

and quiet....

Oh well, a girl can dream!

This was the stamp:

Now let me think, What has made me smile this week? I'm enjoying my knitting. I'm knitting socks. The first one is nearly finished:

We have a calico cat who lives outside, but mostly lives in the shed on the roof of the cave house. She is very shy and miauws to be fed. I feed her twice a day and she hides somewhere while I fill her bowl. Sometimes I get a glimpse of her:

I love cooking but cooking for one is no fun, so I make a menu and make myself cook a meal every day. Yesterday was toad-in-the-hole (in the Remoska) with broccoli:

The plaster on the wall near the chimney pipe had cracked a bit and pieces of plaster were falling down. Our dear friend David said: Oh no problem, I will come and fix this . Today he came, and it didn't take him long. Thank God for good friends.

He came on his scooter and is still wearing his helmet! I had to laugh!

And here is my sister. She is clearing out the house of a relative of her husband's and found this bowler hat! 

And that also made me smile. It suits her don't you think?

That is it from me today. I'm going to attend to my husband. 

I'm posting some funnies at the end. Apologies if you have seen them before, I haven't time to check.

Have a lovely weekend what ever you are doing and don't forget:

Keep smiling!




Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

That is a lovely postcard. I am sure Erika would also be interested in that because she loves our National Parks. I'm glad the place brought you comfort.

I understand your concern about cooking for one. I do it all the time and I eat everything I fix. I often cook in my microwave oven, though. Your sister looks great in that hat. She looks like she is having fun with it, too.

I enjoyed the funnies. I agree on the phone numbers. Even my landline stores numbers. And I know a few people who would qualify for that last one about the craft room.

I continue to keep you and Graham in my thoughts and prayers, dear Lisca.

kathyinozarks said...

that looks like a lovely area to visit, I had visited those mountains when I was a child with my family-we took camping trips every year and Mom cooked the food over the camp fire.
I have always cooked for my husband so it would be difficult to cook for just one-but one needs to take care of ourselves too-hugs and prayers
enjoyed the funnies hugs

mamapez5 said...

What a lovely place to stay. I am afraid my knees couldn't do the mountain trail to get there, but I can certainly see the appeal.
If you are interested in making cards sometime next year, check out my craft blog. I always post in a Christmas card challenge held monthly for Rudolph Day (25th of each month).
I am glad you have good friends to fix little problems for you.
I know I would get veery lazy about cooking just for one, though I would eat the right things, just not at regular meal times, but it is important to keep yourself well.
Love to you and Graham. Kate x

Annie said...

It's so lovely to see you can still find smiles when life is so difficult for you both. You stay in my thoughts throughout and hoping Graham remains pain free and you keep the strenght to cope with all that's needed.
Annie x

Mae Travels said...

The style of the card you showed is very retro, but in fact that type of image has been extremely popular in the last few years. Almost every National and State Park we've visited has at least one view done in that poster style, offering both big and small reproductions. I love them -- yours is very nice.

Thinking of you and your responsibilities... mae at

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Lisca, I am here just got a bit distracted earlier. Loving the new postcard and it's interesting to see where the picture came from. It looks like a great place to visit and I'm with you I would love to ne in the mountains but with snow too. I nam absolutely in love with the yarn you are using for the socks, love it. Your kitty looks sweet and friends... well we all need them. Loving your sisters hat, some people just seem to look brilliant in a hat and this one definitely suits her. I have seen some of the funnies before but they still made me smile. Hope your weekend is a happy one. Hugs, Angela xXx

Iris Flavia said...

Good to see you stay positive and can smile. Hugs.

Celtic house said...

Ah Lisca you sound mighty tired sweetie, thinking of you both. Loving the photo of your sister, I bet the toad in the hole was lovely, I've not had that in years. Biggest hugs

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely postcard. Nountains are nice, but my dream place is always by the ocean - beach, sea, sky, waves! Glad your friend helped with the repairs - the helmet made me laugh! I haven't had toad in the hole for years, yummy. All the best for you and your hubby, hugs, Valerie