Hello lovely ladies,
Here we are at the end of the week. It has been a busy week for us, and for you? I will mention a few things that made me smile later on as this is what this blog is about. But first let me share a postcard that I have received recently:
What a great photo! It brings back memories for me as it could have been me in the picture. The picture was taken in the early fifties in Tampere, Finland. It was a pram race organized by the Tampere Newspaper Association. The card was sent to me by Mia, who lives with her elderly mother. She mentions that she is a born-again Christian (just like me).
The stamp is very pretty and colorful, but I have no idea what it is about.
I've not been able to find it on the internet.
Earlier this week, my Danish friend and I went to see an exhibition in Baza, our nearest town.
It was all about the Iberos, a people that inhabited this area before the Romans.
The figure on the poster of the seated lady is called La Dama de Baza (The Lady of Baza), and was found during an excavation of a burial chamber.
Wikipedia says this:
The Lady of Baza (la Dama de Baza) is a famous example of Iberian sculpture by the Bastetani. It is a limestone female figure with traces of painted detail in a stuccoed surface that was found on July 22, 1971, by Francisco José Presedo Velo, at Baza, in the Altiplano de Granada, the high tableland in the northeast of the province of Granada. The town of Baza was the site of the Ibero-Roman city of Basti and, in one of its two necropoleis, the Cerro del Santuario, the Lady of Baza was recovered. She is seated in an armchair, and an open space on the side is thought to have contained ashes from a cremation.
The original statue is in a museum in Madrid, but we saw a replica at the exhibition.
The exhibition showed how the people of those days (bronze age) lived and what artifacts they would have used. The building they used looks like a church badly in need of restauration.
I'm afraid I did not take many photos as we were busy reading all the information. It was really interesting.
Another thing that made me smile is our little harvest:
We harvested five ugly carrots and some red potatoes.
Something is better than nothing. We also harvested five bags of green apples! So I have already made two apple cakes.
At the moment my friend from the Netherlands has come to visit with her partner and her dog. They come every year as they play a bridge drive in Portugal this time every year. On their way they always stop by for a few days. We have been friends since 1971!
And this is her lovely dog Roxanne:
In the background my hubby doing something on his laptop. The dog loves to lie on the rug, and I don't blame her. My house is tiled throughout, as is the way in a hot country.
Hubby is doing a bit better. No more fever. But the blood tests we did the other day have revealed that he is anemic, so today he is having a blood transfusion and some follow-up appointments have been made for two scans and some chemo in October.
That is it from me today. As per usual I will show you some funnies (and 'thinkies') at the end.
In the mean time I will check in at Annie's A Stitch In Time and I hope to see you there.
Keep smiling,
Translation: When engineering creativity meets humanity.
Cute first pic - better games than we have today, I´d say.
And the stamp is very cute indeed.
Interesting pics you shared of the exhibition, great harvest and wonderful, to have such a great, long friendship!
The bed sheets sure are funny! Ahhh... help!
Greaat one of Forrest.
The water bottles are true, though. We have two stations in town and in Perth I saw it, too.
Yes to the Japanese statues! Well, depends. The kindle is practical when traveliing. I took five paper books to our journey through Tuscany, had no time to read... a kindle is better in that case.
No coughing, haha...
To smiles!
What a charming postcard. Just lovely. That bronze age vessels are intriguing. Would have loved to have seen more.
It seems that poor Graham just gets through one crisis and another pops up. I hope he is better soon.
Carrots and potatoes. I could definitely dine on that.
Some of the funnies were great. I loved the little girl with the books. I'll never own a Kindle. And the mashed potatoes are HILARIOUS. That rose pattern is scary, especially when you first look at it. Have a super rest of the weekend and a great week, dear Lisca.
That is a great postcard and a very pretty stamp.
Your exhibition sounds very interesting, and nice to have a friend to go with.
I love having my own harvest though ours was often mainly onions, English style runner beans, and cooking apples. One of the few things I really miss here are runner beans and proper bramley cooking apples. Nothing else comes close.
I didn't realise Graham was struggling again. I hope he is much better soon. Kate x
I've had a really busy day taking the zips out of a bin cask full of factory again....not a job I really enjoy but it pays the bills. I've now put them back in the bag ready to start fresh on Monday morning to put all the new zips in nd have set my sewing room up ready for Nanny Annie's sewing school tomorrow because the two eldest want and afternoon of sewing with me....I'm so lucky....there may be photos next Friday [if I remember to take some].
I didn't know Graham wasn't too good again....really hope he picks up again soon. How lovely to spend time with good friends. Love the funnies.
Annie x
Looks like you've had a good week with your friend. Friends are so important aren't they. I'm late today as I've just got back from the haidressers, just a cut really. Hope they find an answer to Grahams Anemia and can help him. Your funnies are always good but I had to smile at the last one though I'm not sure everyone would but my mother has to wear a colostomy bag so it is kind of part of life for us. Take care both of you and have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx
The exhibition looks great, we enjoy spending time reading all the info when we do something similar otherwise you don't really get a feel for things. Your harvest looks great and apple cake sounds lovely. Hope hubby is doing OK. How lovely to have such a life long friend visit every year. Hugs
Yes, I think people in our age group can relate to that photo. A wonderful post for sure. Graham is a fighter. It's good that you have doctors that seem to be on top of his health. The funnies are to cute and some to true. Have a great day today.
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