Hello lovely ladies of Food Wednesday. I am Lisca and I normally write blogs about postcards and about our retired life here in southern Spain.
So it's only logical that I start with a postcard:

This postcard comes from Belarus and was sent by someone called Darya. She writes: "This picture shows a typical lunch of a peasant working in the field. Also, in addition to bread and milk, they would have for example salted lard. The men could go off to mow the grass and at lunchtime, their wives or children would bring food. After a break for rest and food the workers continued."
The card was sent to me in January and has a lovely Christmas stamp on it. The cancellation stamp mentions Postcrossing. This is the organisation through which I send and receive postcards. Read more about Postcrossing here, or go to www.postcrossing.com.
We live in rural southern Spain, in a village in the province of Granada. I live there with my hubby, a cat and four chickens. It gets very hot here in summer and the chickens lay less (and sometimes stop laying) . This week one of our 'ladies' struggled and laid this tiny egg. I have put a normal size egg there plus a teaspoon for comparison.
About food:
I have lived in Italy for many years before i came to Spain, so when I find a pizzeria that makes pizzas like I was used to in Italy (ie thin and crispy) I don't need much encouragement to sample the ware.
My cousin and his wife visited from the Netherlands and we went to the bar behind our house which has an excellent pizzaiolo and a proper oven. Result is these fab pizzas.
Then I did something an Italian would cringe at: I ordered pizza Hawaii! It has pieces of pineapple on it. (The Italians don't have that sort of pizza and they foo-foo it ). The first one has anchovies as well as pineapple on it.
We all loved it!
I try to keep fit (I'm in my early seventies) by going to the gym three times a week. But the gym closes in the summer (too hot. No, there is no air conditioning in the gym). After we had our last session, we all went out for a meal. It was just us girls:
I'm second from the left.
As my hubby doesn't like seafood, whenever I am out without him, I'll indulge in something 'fishy'. This time I had octopus:
The photo is a bit blurry, sorry. Here is a picture from the internet.
No, I was not drunk. I drank Tinto de Verano, (Just about visible in the above photo) a wine based drink with lemonade. (A ladies drink).
Wikipedia writes:
Tinto de verano (literally "summer red [wine]") is a cold, wine-based drink popular in Spain. It is similar to sangria and is typically made up of 1 part of table red wine and 1 part soda, usually lemonade. Traditional brands of soda, or gaseosa, such as La Casera, can be replicated by mixing Sprite or 7-Up with carbonated water. The drink is served over ice, often with a slice of lemon or orange.

As the name suggests, tinto de verano is usually served during the summertime. It is often home-made, or bought ready-bottled from supermarkets. In the Costa del Sol and other Southern regions of Spain it is common for locals to drink tinto de verano as it is easy to make oneself, or has many variations of pre-prepared varieties for the same price as many cola drinks. Sangria is considered more commercial and "touristy" as it requires more time to make and is often sold in restaurants at a more expensive price, whereas tinto de verano is common at parties, festivals, and dive bars where drinks are affordable and consumed in volume.
Before I go, I'd like to show you what I had for dessert:
(You can tell I really liked my octopus. I ate every scrap)This dessert was really yummy. It is called chocolate coulant. Coulant means flowing and as soon as you stick your spoon in it, warm chocolates flows out of the center. It is utterly delicious.
I have probably left you hungry now. I hope you are prompted to prepare something delicious for your family (or for yourself).
Buen provecho (bon appetite),
and see you next month.
Hi Lisca, what a delicious looking food post! I love it everything looks so good. I have my food wednesdays post up now-and there are changes coming-hoping you will still share your wonderful food hugs Kathy
I enjoyed this post very much, the simple bread and milk look divine. Your octopus looks amazing!
That octopus is very different than I thought it would be. It is really just a big tentacle, isn't it? I had my first Hawaiin pizza a couple of weeks ago, and it is really good, isn't it? I might have to add pineapple when I make pizza. And your chocolate dessert is making me drool right now. It looks yummy. Hope your week is going well. Hugs-Erika
Really good pizza is such a wonderful dish, I can totally understand that you like it so much. The pizza here in the States really is nothing to write home about. The octopus looks delicious and the chocolate dessert - oh my goodness!
I think we call it molten lava cake. Yum yum! And just so you know don't put pineapple on my pizza or my hamburger either! I will eat it in fruit salads, in desserts, and I guess on ham. LOL Great postcard, and love that shaped stamp. You write, like you don't know who sent it to you. So how does she get your address to mail you a postcard? You probably told us sometime how you happen to get all of them, but I don't think I ever read how. Thanks. Happy T Day.
Oh! That is a very tiny egg indeed!
Yes to the pizza - you´d love our Guido´s, they´re from Sicily and do it the Italian way, too.
I like Pizza Hawaii, btw :-) No idea if Guido has it, will have a look (and not order!)
Great you are such a fun group - our gym here was... I left.
The drink looks yummy, the octopus... Ingo would try it, me.... no way ;-)
Hungry, though, yes!
Have a great day, Lisca, hugs
I thought I left a comment earlier, but maybe not. Your postcard is really appropriate for Food Wednesday. So nice to see the stamp, too.
I LOVE thin crust pizza. I don't know when pizza crust in the states started being more bread than a crispy thin crust. My first pizza was like that, so that is how I associate real pizza, which is now hard to find. Even the stuff you bake at home is more like bread.
Like I said yesterday, I am NOT a fan of octopus. I love anything chocolate, though.
Beautiful blog
The pizza looks delicious! And I'll have a sip of the Tinto de verano!
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