Tuesday, 24 May 2022

A Postcard A Day / Tuesday 24 May 2022 / T for harmonica players, seeds and wholesome food

 Hello lovely ladies,

How are you today? Are you ready for the T-Party? It's being held at Elizabeth and Bleubeard's and everyone is invited. Of course we are expected to bring a beverage (not necessarily tea). 

Let me start with my postcard, which is an interesting black and white photo entitled The Harmonica Player(2013):

The photographer is Jessy Libik.  I've not been able to find much info on her. Not even where she lives. I think it might be Sweden. Anyway, I did find a photo of her:

The stamp is gorgeous. It features baby mountain goats. To be precise they are capricorns.

Things are a bit better here this week. Hubby is feeling better and he is eating more. I still have to stick to simple meals, but he has gained weight this week so that is a winner! Yesterday I made meatballs, and a friend had brought me some spinach (grown here in the village).
This is also my 'ticket' to the T-Party as my glas of Tinto de Verano is clearly visible.

Hubby helps me a lot around the house doing little jobs. For instance he hung a bracket on the patio wall:
It was to hang up this glorious fuchsia. That was last week. This is what it looks like now:
I love it!

Hubby also loves pottering about his plot, which is still overgrown and looks like this:

I've been planting herbs from a seed strip. 

I had never used this method but it is very easy. I still had some seed trays and I sowed four seed trays with these strips. Already the middle row is sprouting.

Yesterday we went shopping at Lidl, our local supermarket. They were giving  little pots with seeds if you spend a certain amount. We got six of these little seed pots:

There was dill, borage, carrot, cilantro, watercress and parsley.
Here is hubby dipping his aloe vera babies in the rooting powder.

Strangely enough, hubby doesn't tolerate bread, but he has no problem with cake or muffins. So I made some muffins:
And a rice dish with bacon bits, carrots and broad beans that I have peeled twice (I only used the tender insides without the skin around the bean).

And semolina pudding with almond biscuits.

Sunday we went to see our friends that have the ice cream parlor. And of course we had to have ice cream!
We were allowed to sit in their kitchen, behind the shop. Hubby is wearing a bike jacket because we'd gone on the bike. He really enjoys his ice cream. This was our lunch as you can imagine.

I have been looking for a pan that has removable handle, so that we can put the pan in the oven. I couldn't find what I wanted and I ended up buying a cast iron pan with a handle. I forgot to take a picture of it, and it is midnight now, so I will take a picture in daylight tomorrow and show you next week.
Here is the parcel (I had ordered a few other things too):
That is it from me today. I wanted to do some book reviews but it's late and that too will have to wait until another day.

And to finish, here is a little poem about the importance of bees (I'm thinking of Erika's bees):

Let's enjoy the T-Party. 
Happy T-Day!
Take care,


Kate Yetter said...

Hi Lisca, So happy to hear that your hubby is feeling better and that his appetite is returning. Lucky you, having a friend that owns an ice cream parlor. Ice cream for lunch sounds delicious. Your rice dish is so colorful and I can imagine it tastes yummy, especially if it has bacon in it.
Happy Tea Day,

Mae Travels said...

Two amazon boxes in an Ikea shopping bag -- is that a comment on our century? Good to hear that your husband continues to make progress towards health. Amazing that he's doing so much.

best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Linda Kunsman said...

Happy news that hubby is getting better- you are definitely taking good care of him:). Love that stamp of the baby goats! your food is all delicious looking, and how nice you have such a green thumb for planting. That fuchsia plant is gorgeous!
Love the bee poem at the end. Happy T day!

Iris Flavia said...

Glad your Hubby is improving. Oh, seesh, I remember those times here, too..

Oh! love poppies! And yay for your LIDL! Good luck with the planting, I tried the same, but have a black thumb...

Love your poem, sad and true as it is. Happy T and B-Day, hugs.

Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Lisca, sods like you had a busy week. Glad our hubby is gaining weight, hope it continues, and it's great to see him pottering around again and having fun outsided and inside. His plot looks pretty with the poppies. Love the postcard, reminds me of the wild 60s/70s, and the stamp is fantastic. Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

nwilliams6 said...

Happy T-day, Lisca. Such an interesting post! Great postcard and stamp! Love all your food (looks and sound fabulous especially the desserts) and plants. Your lot with the poppies is sooooo pretty! It is so lovely where you live! Hugz

kathyinozarks said...

Yummy foods here Lisca and those seed trays are really cute, I haven't used seed strips before either but would be nice for very fine seeds.
Good your husband is feeling better. Your fuscia plant is gorgoes and I love your poppies too.
loving the stamp this week-Happy T hugs Kathy

My name is Erika. said...

Sounds like you've had a lovely week Lisca. I'm glad to hear the hubby is gaining weight and having a good week too. Sounds like he's had plenty of yummy food to eat. And your grown in garden plot actually looks really pretty. Are those poppies blooming? I hope you have a great T day and week ahead. Hugs-Erika

Empire of the Cat said...

I love the poppies in your field/plot they look so happy. All the food looks delicious too, glad your hubby is feeling a bit better. I have a set of frying pans that have a removable handle. I got them from amazon a while back, very handy. Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

So nice to read that Graham continues to improve his health and gain a bit of weight.

That's a unique postcard and a lovely postage stamp of the Capricorns. You have truly made me hungry this morning and I am ready to find something to eat after seeing all that sweet stuff you made for Graham.

How nice the two of you got to eat ice cream at your friend's ice cream shop. Thanks for sharing your week, your food, and your wine with us for T this Tuesday, dear Lisca.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I forgot to mention that those pots of dill and cilantro are going to be easy to grow. I don't have good luck with parsley from seed, so maybe you will have better luck with plants.

CJ Kennedy said...

The baby goats on the stamp are so cute. Glad to hear your husband is feeling and doing better. Your fuchsia is so pretty. I haven't had lunch yet so all your food is making me very, very hungry. And now I want some ice cream, too. Happy T Day!

Divers and Sundry said...

Your meal looks delicious :) The muffins look especially tempting to me. So much of the time there's an emphasis on losing weight, but gaining weight can be an important part of maintaining good health. I'm so pleased to hear he's doing so well :) Cast iron is perfect!

All those plants look great. So much variety. Happy T Tuesday

jinxxxygirl said...

So glad that hubby is home and feeling better.. Looks like he's getting some good food! I'm with him on ice cream!! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

Darla said...

Another wonderful postcard. I'm curious, maybe someday you can show us how you store them all. (If you've said then I missed it) Glad to read your husband is gaining some weight. It looks like you are doing a magnificant job of tempting him with delicious things.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Good news about hubby! He looks happy with his ice-cream! You look as though you've had some lovely meals. I love the baby goat stamp. Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx