Hello lovely ladies,
Here I am again on Thursday evening, writing something for Friday Smiles.
As per usual there is a postcard. This one comes from the Czech Republic but of course features Rome. The family that sent it (Ruda, Andrea, Victor and Roman) bought this card in the Vatican Museum.
The statue is that of Augustus, the emperor. Augustus of Prima Porta is a full-length portrait statue of Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of the Roman Empire. The marble statue stands 2.08 metres tall and weighs 1,000 kilograms. Wikipedia. The stamps are spectacular! There are four different flowers.

(I'm sorry the photo is so bad.) I recognise the Lily of the Valley, a Chrysantemum, an Azalea and I can't remember the name of the last one.
The top right stamp is about scouting and the bottom right reads 'Slovak year in Kiev'.
So, what was my week like? I certainly had many smiles. This week has been a busy week. Friday I went to the gym and then straight into town to do admin stuff. I was back at 12 as some friends were visiting. In the afternoon I made a lovely strawberry cake :
Those of you who also read my Tuesday blog will have seen it. It is called a fraisier cake
(fraise being the French word for strawberry). I enjoyed making it and it wasn't difficult so I will make that one again.
On Saturday I had my birthday (lunch) party. The weather was warm and sunny so it was outside at my friend's pool area (no water in the pool yet). Please have a look at my Tuesday blog to see the photos if you like.
On Sunday I went to church and in the afternoon did some online window shopping. I have a lot of things to order online. Big things that I need to really look into like a new tv.
On Monday, after going to the gym, I went food shopping in town. Opposite the supermarket is a tv shop. I popped in to see a 65'' tv in real life.Just to see if I would like that sort of size. It is very (almost indecently) large, but I'm still considering it.
On the way back I did some more errands and in the afternoon I wanted to make a cake and I realized I had forgotten to buy whipping cream. So I spent time going through my cake cookbook looking for a cake without whipping cream. I never really need an excuse to browse through my cookbooks. How about you? In the end I made a cheese cake with rum soaked raisins and some tinned peaches:
In the evening I wanted to write my blog but my tablet as well as my phone stopped doing photos as I seem to have run out of memory. So I spent the whole evening looking for videos and 'burst' photos to delete. In the end I managed to delete half a Mb and I was able to move photos around. I managed to finish my blog around midnight.
On Tuesday my friends Kim and Andy came to lunch and we had a lovely time. The cheese cake was a success and I will definitely do this one again too. Andy helped me decide what stuff to order with my new tv. I ordered a sound bar, some wall brackets and a digibox. He also helped me decide which phone to get as that is a minefield too. So I have now ordered another phone. Not a new one (they're too expensive) but a reconditioned one. Hopefully I will get it next week.
In the evening there was my church house group zoom meeting.
On Wednesday my cleaner came as soon as I get back from the gym. She also helped me move some furniture. I needed a tv cabinet to put the tv on until I arrange for the bracket to be put up. So we carried the one from the guest room down here. Then we moved the settee out of the way to make room for the new sofa arriving on Thursday.
When she had finished, I quickly popped to the bank as they close at two. Then dinner, then more admin. And moving things around. Finally I got fed up and went to bed early and watched tv for the first time this week. I watched Race across the World on the BBC. I really like this.
So today is Thursday and an exciting day as I waited for my sofa to arrive. I promised photos so here you are. Two guys wheeled it in on a trolley and unpacked it:
And this is what it looks like now:
I'm very pleased. It didn't take that long at all. I had it made to my specification and the sales lady said four weeks. I didn't believe it but she was right. Big smile!
Now it's gone midnight so I will call it a day, but I will find you some funnies to put at the end.
Have a lovely weekend all,
Keep smiling!