Hello lovely peeps,
How are you all? Let forget about the virus for a moment and concentrate on what made us smile this week.
My mailbox was happy several times this week and I would like to show you this postcard in black and white.
It was sent to me from the USA by someone who calls herself Fieryrogue. The photo is entitled 'Beauty Queens of the 40s and 50s'. One of them is wearing a bikini. Very daring in those days. I nearly started singing 'Itsy bitsy teeny weeny' when I saw there were no polka dots in sight. (Anyone remember that song?)
I have no idea what these ladies are advertising...
The stamps are pretty and colourful. Lots of hearts and I do like the left stamp as it depicts a multicultural, or should I say multiracial America.

So, what have i been up to this week?
We had rain! It was a good few hours! Great for the land, but not nearly enough. All the swallows were congregating before disappearing to warmer climes.
On my walk we walked through the gypsy district and I came past this garden full of these beautiful flowers.They are Celosia Cristate, or Gypsy Queen. How appropriate.
On Saturday I got the good news that my cousin's surgery had gone well and that today she would be moved into a care hotel. Because she lives alone and she's not allowed to lift even a kettle, she has to convalesce in a care hotel (paid by the medical insurance of course).
On Monday I went shopping in the village (post office and baker) and later in the day, we both went into town to the supermarket for our weekly groceries.
We had the sourdough pancakes for breakfast on Tuesday and they were horrible. Perhaps the starter has gone off. It smells awful. But then I have no idea how it is supposed to smell. I don't have much luck with sourdough starters.
Remember this beetroot?
Well, I cooked it on Sunday, when I roasted it with potatoes in the oven. It was yummy. We had it with a large pie that hubby had bought at a market stall run by English people.
On Monday I went shopping in the village (post office and baker) and later in the day, we both went into town to the supermarket for our weekly groceries.
We had the sourdough pancakes for breakfast on Tuesday and they were horrible. Perhaps the starter has gone off. It smells awful. But then I have no idea how it is supposed to smell. I don't have much luck with sourdough starters.
Tuesday was one of those days where lots of things went wrong and i got frustrated, so I will skip over this day, as this blog is about smiles. I do want to mention that I was so frustrated, I resorted to eating chocolate. That might bring a smile to your face. (I very seldom reach for the chocolate)
On Wednesday I went to see a photoclub member who has a bakery, then I walked through a part of the village I don't normally walk through, so that was interesting.
On Wednesday I went to see a photoclub member who has a bakery, then I walked through a part of the village I don't normally walk through, so that was interesting.
The fruit in the photo is azarolus crataegus. It looks like a cross between an apple and a rosehip. When I looked it up, it indeed is part of the rose family. It is jam-packed with vitamin C.
Yesterday I started a new book called City of Bones, the first of a series of 9 books. But I only have the first in the series.
I did some cardmaking as I had to make a card for my sister's birthday, so once i got all my stuff out, I also did some other cards. I had a Gurjuss decoupage set and I made two cards:
I haven't put any sentiments on as I don't know who I'm going to send them to and for what occasion.
That is all from me today. Let's go join Annie at A Stitch In Time and Virginia at Rocking Your World Friday.
As usual, I have some funnies at the end. Again, they are pet funnies, which I'm sure you'll appreciate.
Have a lovely weekend,
Keep smiling!
Hi Lisca, wow you have had a busy week! sounds like a good one. I have never seen a beet that large-that was a great idea to roast it.
enjoyed seeing all the photos and funnies, that was really a pretty flower Happy Friday Kathy
Oh, thank you for that earworm!!! Yes, I do remember that song... Strandbikini...
The stamps are wonderful indeed.
Good on your cousin - I´ve never heard of a care-hotel!
That beetroot really is a bummer - and I just love the proud smile of your Hubby 😁
LOL, sorry about those pancakes, we all have these accidents, do we... At least the choc came with chilli. The card is really very cute. Oh, plural!
Thank you a lot for all the smiles and have a wonderful weekend yourself!
I’d guess at the bikini clad lasses advertising for the motor industry. I used to work in it myself but didn’t dress like that haha.
I love reading your weekly diary, I feel like I’ve walked through it with you.
I write in a notebook what I’ve done and it amazing me that when I think I’ve done nothing, I’ve actually done a lot.
Lynn xx
Hi Lisca. I loved reading all about your week...you seem to cram so much into each day....card making too this week :-) Brilliant funnies this week...I'm still chuckling so thanks for sharing them.
Annie x
ps no his team lost but he still enjoyed the experience.
Hi Lisca, the funnies today are brilliant just needed a good laugh. I have to admit to remembering the song. It was sung by Brian Hylland and was a worldwide hit no idea what the young would make of it today. Pleased to see your cousin doing well too. Beautiful Gypsy Queen plant and the beetroot is one of my favourite vegetables which I buy almost every week. Loving the new mask and the cards too, very sweet. Take care and have a lovely weekend, Angela xxx
Ah a fab post I'm sorry you didn't have a good day the other day, but chocolate always helps. Our seasons are definitely on the turn with a lot more leaf fall happening and cooler mornings and evenings. Your roasted beetroot and potato meal looks lovely I've never roasted beetroot before, I might have to give it a whirl.
I hope you have a fabulous weekend and week ahead
Funny stuff :-)
Sorry I am late visiting this week. I don't know where the time goes.
As usual you have done some lovely baking. That was a huge beetroot. I always used to pull mine whil they were still quite small. I have never tried roasting one.
I haven't heard of those red fruits. What did you do with them?.
It must have been a bad day if you took comfort in chocolate. That was my 'go to' treat in UK, but I haven't bought any for months. It is too hot to keep it down here, and I don't enjoy it the same when it is hard from the fridge. Once again you found some funnies to keep us all smiling. Kate x
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