Hello lovely girls. It's time for the T-Party again. I'm going to join Elizabeth and Bluebeard who are hosting this party. Come and join us with a beverage. My beverage is way down this blog post as I have so many lovely postcards to share with you.
I received quite a little pile of them with beautiful stamps:
There was also a large envelope post-marked Wichita. Yes, you've guessed, it was happy mail from Elizabeth! Look at this!
I know you have all received similar gifts. I love the serviette, as it has the word Fiesta on it. As our annual fiesta has been cancelled/banned, I have put this serviette on the table as a sort of substitute fiesta. Thank you Elizabeth for this lovely surprise.
She especially added two postcards, as she knows I collect them. This is the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattenooga.
And here is an image from the Internet to show you what it looks like in the daytime.
Then Elizabeth sent me this card too. It is from Chihuahua, in Mexico. It is a vintage card (look at the cars).
The sky-line hasn't changed that much though. I got this image from Wikipedia, and it shows the same view. The right hand part of the above postcard is visible in the photo below. The tower block is now red and a new building has been built on the right hand side. One of the postcards I collected from the post office last week (see top photo) comes from Malaysia, and was sent by Nurul. She tells me that this card was the second card she sent because the first one never arrived.
The card shows lots of beautiful Malay stamps and the real stamps on the back are awesome too.
Then I went to the post office on Friday.
It is really lovely. Lots of little dolls with the national costume of many South East Asian countries. Thank you Nurul.
The stamps on this card are gorgeous. The two stamps on the left celebrate the 50th World Children's Day, which in Malaysia is celebrated on the 4th Saturday in October (I have been told).
The red stamp is from a series of Millennium stamps from 1999. It shows ceramic pots and Mount Kinabalu.
This is the whole series:
What have I been up to? Not much. It is hot here:
Our neighbour has a lovely pool, but he lives abroad. So he kindly lets us use the pool when we want.
We sometimes go down there on an evening. Here we are having supper. And this is also my entry ticket to the T-Party.
Yes, I did swim. (The building in the back ground is the pool house)
Hubby getting wet. Our village is seen in the back ground.
You might have noticed that I am working in the 'new' Blogger format. I have yet to discover how to delete photos, so you will see a selection of mini photos where I have added them by mistake and consequently made them as small as possible. Sorry. It looks untidy. Can't be helped.
Well, that's it from me.
I wish you all a very happy T-Day.
Take care,

What lovely mail you have received! Elizabeth really outdid herself didn't she...
and how great to have gotten both postcards from Malaysia! Adorable images.
Nice to have a neighbor who has a nice soothing pool you can use to cool off in - you both look so well and happy:) Happy T day!
Your postcards are beautiful but specially the stamps. I really like the one with the little Asian dolls.
The pool is in such a lovely setting. Evening is such a great time to go swimming. Hubby and I do the same mainly because the kids are in bed.
I hope you are able to figure blogger out. It can be so frustrating when they change things around.
Happy Tea Day,
Every week you make me want to go find my big box of old post cards and see what's in there! I used to buy many of them whenever we traveled but never do that any more in these days of digital photos.
be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
You got a LOT of happy mail to be happy about, dear Lisca. I love the two postcards from Malaysia, especially the little dolls. That is wonderful. And how nicely the stamps seem to match the little dolls, too.
You are SO lucky to be able to spend time in your friends' pool. They must trust you a LOT. And of course, eating at their place is a bonus. Thanks for sharing your happy mail, your swimming, your meal, and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday. I'm thrilled you put that napkin/serviette to good use, too.
Lots of lovely post, lucky you, enjoy! How lovey to be able to use that wonderful pool. Oh well, I have a bath tub, that's something! To delete photos with the new blogger you can click on the pic to mark it and then press the delete button on the computer. Have a great week, happy T day, hugs, Valerie
Oh, those are cute cards and stamps indeed!
I asked the postie for a nice stamp and all I got was that common flower...
Ahhh, lucky you! So far only 12C - I hope it goes UP quickly! A pool, oh, how "cool" is that - great neighbour!! :-)
A pool house even! I need to play lotto!!!
What? I still either have the old blogger or it makes no difference when using HTML-format?
Either way, a happy T-day to you, hugs!
That is a lot a postcards. And I love the story of the one from Malaysia. Isn’t that what usually happens? And it is nice your neighbor is gone and you can use his pool. I like to swim also and when I go to my mother-in-laws on the lake I always swim. When I do one of the dogs swims with me. He circles around me as he swims much faster than I do. Stay cool and have a great t day. Hugs Erika
Such fabulous postcards and postage stamps! Wow, you certainly received a lot and some lovely ones from Bleubeard and Elizabeth too 😀. How wonderful to be able to use the pool and so welcome in the hot weather, that's so kind of your friends! Wishing you a Happy T Day! Take care! Hugs, Jo x
Wow, you had a party in your mailbox just like me last week. What fun. Both the cards from Malaysia are outstanding.
That pool looks so inviting. Eating poolside - what a treat. Nice neighbor.
Happy T-day and have a lovely week! Hugs, Eileen
Lovely postcards and stamps. You're lucky you're able to use your neighbor's pool. It has been hot here in Connecticut US, too. Happy T-Day!
I have to laugh at you getting tiny photos on your blog because of the change. I haven't found how to edit, either, that is why there is a huge photo in my post this week and my side bar even shows up over the large photo! Please share details if you find how to edit or delete items without deleting whole post! LOL
Oh, I would love to swim when hot! But alas, neither us or our neighbors have a pool! thanks for sharing your post cards and stamps. I always enjoy them. Happy T Day!
I love being able to travel all over the world by looking at your stamps and postcards. The little children in their national dress are so cute. You have a very nice neighbor. Being able to have supper by the pool and go for a dip would be so nice. Not today as my area is having a tropical depression blow through! Funny about your tiny pictures. Mine are coming out extra large and I have to adjust them. I hope Blogger gets all their bugs worked out soon. Happy T Day
You look so happy to be pool side ~ Wonderful picture and dinner ~ I love all the postcards and stamps! So glad both arrived for you. I was waiting on mail and received 6 cards in one day... glad they came but it took some of the joy away having them all arrive at once. It's like my mail was on hold?!? Oh well, I will keep posting as I love to send and receive happy mail ~ Sending blessings to you
What a haul of postcards! How fun. The pool looks so refreshing. I enjoy swimming (or perhaps that should say being in the water). I'm definitely not the greatest of swimmers...I don't do laps but I won't drown either.
Happy T day!
Wow! Loved seeing these postcards and stamps! Love the Asian costumes! Luck you to be able to borrow a pool! Hugs, Chrisx
I'd say the post office treated you right. What a wonderful bunch of postcards and stamps.
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