Tuesday 3 September 2024

A Postcard A Day - Tuesday 3 September 2024 - T for Tuesday, beer and coffee


Hello lovely peeps,

Today I have a very rare postcard for you. It is a card from Albania.

It has ID number 1602, which means that only 1602 cards have been sent (through Postcrossing) from Albania. Compare that with Germany (14 million) or the US or Russia (both more than 10 million).
After more than 10 years of Postcrossing, this is the first card I have received from Albania.

Albania lies in eastern Europe on the Adriatic sea (within the Mediterranean sea) and bordering Greece in the south.

The flag of Albania is red
Wikipedia writes:
The Albanian flag depicts a silhouetted black double-headed eagle in the center of a red background. The red stands for bravery, strength, valour and bloodshed, while the Eagle – traditionally the symbol of Albanians– represents the sovereign state of Albania. The flag was established as the national flag of Albania when the country gained its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1912.

The stamp:

It is a stamp from 2023 and is about 100 years establishment of diplomatic relations between Albania and Turkey (1923-2023).
The Albanian name for the country is Shqipëria. And I have no idea how that is pronounced.

Now over to my life and a drink to take part in the T-Party hosted by Bluebeard and Elizabeth.

I took my car in to the repair garage at 8 in the morning one day this past week. At 8 it was too early for the supermarkets to open so I walked into town and sat down in a bar/restaurant for coffee. It is called Los Hermanos (the brothers). The food there is really good and there is often a queue for lunch. But at 8 in the morning there was no queue and I only wanted coffee.

There was a van parked outside:

It was filling up the beer pumps:

I sat outside sipping my coffee and watching it.
The tanks inside are impressive. I have featured them before on this blog as Graham and I used to come here often:
They are suspended above the bar.

This is my drink reference for the T-Party. In case it's not explicit enough, here is another one:

And on that note I will say goodbye,

Happy T-Day,



Mae Travels said...

Those beer tanks are formidable! Neat that you saw them being refilled.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

My name is Erika. said...

When I visited Corfu Island in Greece we looked across the bay water to Albania. I had hoped to take a day trip over, but there just wasn't time. How cool to get a postcard from there. And hopefully you have your car up and running better. Have a great T day Lisca and start to September too. hugs-Erika

Sharon Madson said...

What a fun thing to do while waiting for your car. Happy t day.

Iris Flavia said...

Wow on those beer tanks, I´ve never seen it like this!
Cute coffee - have a great T-Day

Let's Art Journal said...

Wonderful postcards and that coffee is fabulous,it really made me smile 😊. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

Anonymous said...

I had no idea how the Albanians named their own country - and I'd never have guessed - what an unusual Postcrossing card Lisca! Loved the smiling coffee cup :-)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

As I've said before, I am geography challenged. I have heard of Albania, but had NO idea where it was. I'm so glad you got that postcard and featured the country for us. I learned a lot and even where to find it!

What a great time to be able to watch those beer tanks being refilled. They are incredibly large and impressive. Thanks for sharing your postcard and your photos of the beer tanks being refilled for T this Tuesday, Lisca. I love this outside the box T post.

jinxxxygirl said...

Hello Lisca!!! Those beer tanks are impressive!! I'm rather partial to copper! Congratulations on your card from Albania . Sounds like quite the achievement! Raining here in TX for TWO days!! Our 5" rain gauge overflowed!! We go so long without rain that no-one dare complain...lol ! Hubby is sick cough-congestion-runny nose.. uuugh... hoping i don't get it. Happy T day my dear! Hugs! deb

CJ Kennedy said...

Interesting about Albania. Wow those beer tanks are huge and the happy coffee made me smile back. Happy T Day