Tuesday 10 September 2024

A Postcard A Day - Tuesday 10 September 2024 - T for pilots

 Hello lovely peeps,

Here we are again on Tuesday morning getting ready for the T-Party hosted by Elizabeth and Bluebeard. I have a postcard to show you before we get to the subject of drinks:

It comes to me from Poland and features Litomeríce, a small but beautiful historical town in southern Bohemia.

The population of Bohemia used to be German speaking, the so-called Sudeten Germans. 

And Wikipedia writes: After WWI, the Sudeten Germans found themselves living in the new country of Czechoslovakia. The Sudeten crisis of 1938 was provoked by the Pan-Germanist demands of Nazi Germany that the Sudetenland be annexed to Germany, which happened after the later Munich Agreement. Part of the borderland was invaded and annexed by Poland. Afterwards, the formerly unrecognized Sudetenland became an administrative division of Germany. When Czechoslovakia was reconstituted after World War II, the Sudeten Germans were expelled and the region today is inhabited almost exclusively by Czech speakers.

I have also found out that the concentration camp Theresienstadt (Terezín) is only a few kilometres from Litomeríce. 

Encyclopedia Brittanica writes: Theresienstadt founded in 1780 and used from 1941 to 1945 by Nazi Germany as a walled ghetto, or concentration camp, and as a transit camp for western Jews en route to Auschwitz and other extermination camps.

In 1943 the Nazis sent to Theresienstadt some 500 Danish Jews who had not escaped to Sweden. While Europeans elsewhere often quickly lost interest in their deported Jewish fellow citizens, the Danes persisted in demanding that the Germans account for these Danish citizens and allow the Red Cross to visit the ghetto.

To dispel rumours about the extermination camps, the Nazis permitted the visit, but they arranged an elaborate hoax. They deported many camp residents to Auschwitz to minimize the appearance of overcrowding and erected fake stores and cafés to give the appearance of a life of comfort and ease. 

The Red Cross visited the Danish Jews—no more than two or three in a room—in freshly painted quarters. A children’s opera, Brundibar, was performed for the guests. The hoax succeeded so well that the Nazis made a propaganda film at Theresienstadt showing how well the Jews were living under the benevolent protection of the Third Reich. When the filming was finished, the Nazis deported most of the cast, including nearly all of the children, to Auschwitz. (all from encyclopedia Brittanica)

My father's brother (my uncle) had married my aunty Nelleke. She was Jewish, and she and her sister were sent to Theresienstadt as children, but survived (obviously), so my three cousins have visited Theresienstadt and I have seen many of their photos. It is a museum now.

The stamp is amazing:
Wing Commander General František Peřina (born 8 April 1911, Morkůvky –died 6 May 2006, Prague

Wing Commander General František Peřina was a Czech fighter pilot, an ace during World War II with the French Armée de l'Air, who also served twice with Britain's Royal Air Force. Wikipedia

So much for my card and stamp. Let me tell you what I have been up to.
Not a lot to be honest. I am still without a car, so I can't go anywhere. I've had a lovely relaxing week at home. On Sunday, I was invited by my Danish friends to a paella meal.
We went to a cave restaurant near here called Cuevas Al Jatib:
It is also a hotel I think which has a spa. We sat outside (photo above). 
Our friends had their daughter and partner visiting (the daughter took the picture). That was the occasion. It was evening and the sun was low, but the temperature was ideal.
As a first course we had fried eggplant/aubergines with Miel de caña (melasses):
Very yummy, my favorite.
And this was the seafood paella. It also had some chicken bits in it as is the custom.
My plate and my glass of wine for the T-Party.

There we are. That was my news for this week. 

Please leave me some love so I know you've visited.

Happy T-Day all, 




Mae Travels said...

Your history lesson today was (as usual) fascinating. I don’t recall that you have mentioned your Aunt who was a survivor.
Your outdoor meal looks delicious and it must have been fun to join your friends and their children.

Best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Like Mae, I wasn't aware your Aunt who was a holocaust survivor.

Sorry you STILL don't have your car. But luckily, you have friends who do and who are willing to drive you.

Your meal looks wonderful. It appears you are the only one drinking wine. Thanks for sharing that incredible postcard and stamp with us, as well as your meal and drink you shared with friends. Enjoyed your T post, dear Lisca.

My name is Erika. said...

Like Mae and Elizabeth, I didn't know your aunt was a camp survivor. I had a friend when I was younger whose mother was in a camp. Sadly they had that tattoo on their arm with that number so they could never forget. And that is a cool cave restaurant too. Sometimes it's nice to have a relaxing week at home, isn't it? Have a super T day and week ahead Lisca. hugs-Erika

Cloudia said...

Thanks for the history lessons! Glad you got to a nice meal. Aloha

Iris Flavia said...

A real dark time back then and never to be forgotten - or repeated. I fail to understand why people go against Jewish people, they harm no one.
I am proud or relieved to say that my German Grandfather was a watch-maker, not a soldier, he was the only one in town and hence had nothing to do with the dark stuff. My maternal family isn´t German and yet it feels I always have to explain myself.

You meal with your friends looks like fun!
Have a great T-Day.

CJ Kennedy said...

Your history lesson should be taught here as there are so many denying the Holocaust every took place especially as our presidential election nears. On a high school trip to Germany we visited Dachau. I will never forget the piles of shoes especially the shoes of children. 😿Eating out with friends is fun. The meal looks amazing and no cleanup for anyone! Happy T Day

pearshapedcrafting said...

How great to share a meal with friends! Great Infornmation along with your post card. Happy T Day, Chrisx

Mary Anne said...

What an unexpected, but interesting post on WOYWW! Reminds me of the quote about those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Well worth being reminded often that this must never happen again. All the yummy looking food in a beautiful setting lets me leave thoughtful, but smiling.
Quick scoot round before knitting WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

There's always interesting things to read on your posts. Looks like you had a good day out too. Wishing you a happy woyww, hugs Angela x12x

https://shinebrightandcreate@blogspot.com/ said...

A very interesting read and it looks as if you had a great day out too. Cool looking restaurant too. Have a great rest of the week. Michelle x #18

Helen said...

it's great to see you at WOYWW with such an interesting post. Helen #2

Helen said...

came back to answer your question - Goldie is a golden pheasant, he lives in the woodland area at Kew Gardens and has been named Goldie by some other regular visitors who feed him.

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi, nice to see you, the food photographs made me feel hungry! I am painting the stag not doing decoupage, but of course if I make a mess…. Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

Susan Renshaw said...

What an interesting post!
I would have enjoyed starter and paella (if it hadn't had the chicken).
Happy WOYWW! Susan #3

Crafting With Jack said...

Back again to answer your comment. No, we don’t live in the caravan all year round. We are away in the summer usually from May to end of August. This year we were home beginning of August because we knew we were away for September looking after my MIL and we are back here in November too.

BJ said...

With reference to the conference, I do my pages in an art journal, I save my Journaling Bible mainly for water colour as I don't like hiding the text under stickers. Nice to get you singing "Waymaker". Jolly interesting post today. Hugs BJ#6