Tuesday 24 September 2024

A Postcard A Day .- Tuesday 24 September 2024 - T for birds, Lisbon and the F word (sorry)


Hello lovely peeps,
As you might have guessed, I am now in Portugal, Lisbon to be precise. I have a few photos and a postcard and a couple of funnies about coffee. But let me start with my postcard:

It's a book shop, but I have no idea where it is. It is an artist's impression and to me it looks very American.There is no information on the back of the card. 

The stamps are gorgeous. A painted bunting and a western tanager:

I'm staying in Lisbon with my friends from the UK in an Air B&B in the old part of Lisbon. They have flown in from Bristol and I have travelled by bus from Granada. 

This is the view from my little balcony:

We did sightseeing today and according to my pedometer I walked more than 12000 steps. We came passed this establishment and I thought of the T-Party, hosted by Elizabeth and Bluebeard:
A drink or a drink reference is needed to join. Well this Beer Museum sign is definitely a drink reference. (We didn't go in)

Lisbon is on a large estuary and we went on a boat trip. The weather is gorgeous. Not too hot and not too cold.

 And Iris,  I have met Henry's cousin. Here he is on top of a tuc-tuc:

Then when we walked back to our lodgings, I saw this rather rude sign:
I do apologise for the bad language but it did make me smile especially as I had just seen the lion on top of the tuc-tuc.

Hopefully the following two funnies make you smile too:

There we are. That is it from me this Tuesday. Let's all link up at the T-Party. See you there!

Keep smiling!



1 comment:

My name is Erika. said...

Hope you're having a super trip so far Lisca. You have great views from your hotel room.