Friday 12 April 2024

A Postcard A Day - Friday 12 April 2024 - Friday Smiles

 Hello my lovelies,

I'm back home again after a week on the coast. My daughter and I have had a lovely relaxing time. 

Let me show you my postcard:

It shows Glastonbury Tor.

Overlooking the Isle of Avalon, Glastonbury and Somerset, this iconic hill has been a spiritual magnet for centuries.

Standing 521 feet above sea level, the famous Glastonbury Tor is capped by the massive tower- all that is left of the former St. Michael’s Church.

Built in the 14th century and restored in 1804, this is a three-storeyed parapeted tower that formed the west end of the church (the outline of the nave gable can be clearly seen on the east wall). The tower has many features of architectural interest including representations of St. Michael and St. Bridget and a carved figure of a priest. 

The tower is unroofed and empty, but recent excavations of the hill have laid bare traces of a former Norman Church, of a mediaeval priest’s house and a Saxon Church. A round headed Saxon cross was found as evidence of a hill fort of Arthurian times. Scattered finds from the Tor suggest that man may have even been making use of the hill from remote prehistoric times.

The stamps are amazing:

On the right is a stamp celebrating 75 years of the arrival of the Windrush immigrants. 

A special collection of stamps has been issued to mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the hundreds of passengers from the Caribbean to the UK on the Empire Windrush.

Eight Royal Mail stamps featuring original artworks by Black British artists were commissioned to celebrate the occasion, which will be revealed at the Black Cultural Archives in Brixton on Thursday.

 The ship arrived at the Port of Tilbury, in Essex, on 21 June 1948, and its passengers disembarked a day later.

It carried 492 West Indian migrants, many of whom came to the UK, alongside people from other parts of the Commonwealth, to help in Britain’s postwar economic recovery. Many of those who came to the UK had served in the British armed forces in the second world war.

The middle and left hand stamp are part of a series of eight stamps:

 Eight stamps depict scenes of celebration by service personnel and civilians when news of the conflict’s end was announced, and the subsequent return of personnel from overseas and children who were evacuated

Originally shot in black and white, all eight images have been brought to life in colour for the first time by colourist, Royston Leonard

Now a few photos of my holiday:
The hotel was basic but very comfortable. We had a litle balcony with table and chairs, where we would sit in the evenings.

On Sunday we went to a local Anglican church:

Lovely service. We both enjoyed it. 
Then in the afternoon we met up with Kate and her husband Chris, who live in the area.
We walked along the boulevard

We saw beautiful exotic plants and trees.

and she took us to a beautiful lagoon.

Of course we had to pose together for this blog page.
My daughter likes ice cream very much and often ordered a whole plate of it!

Today is Friday smiles and you can see I have had a lot to smile about. I'm going to share with Annie at A Stitch In Time. Of course I will post some funnies at the end as per usual.

Have a lovely weekend all of you.


My name is Erika. said...

I'm with your daughter when it comes to ice cream, but that is a lot of it. It still looks yummy though. It sounds like you had a wonderful time away, and isn't it amazing how fast that time goes? Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Pleased you both had a great time. I love those new stamps too and this is such an important part of the UK history which so many people seem to have forgotten so it's good that they are reminded about Windrush and the goos those people did. The funnies cracked me up, just don't know where you find them. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

mamapez5 said...

It is a shame you didn't have the lovely sunshine at the weekend that we have enjoyed this week, but it may have been too hot for doing much walking around. We had a warning yesterday that the UV is exceptionally high this weekend and we should not go out with high factor sunscreen. What's it going to be like when the summer gets here?..
It was great to have a meet up, and lovely to meet your daughter too. Kate x

Iris Flavia said...

Wonderful you and Kate met up in your holiday!

DVArtist said...

A fabuous post. I love seeing your daughter and the ice cream. The stamps and cards are amazing. The funnies are great until I got to the last one. OMGosh!!! I cracked up. Mr. M. came in to see what I was laughing at. Have a nice weekend.