Tuesday 2 April 2024

A Postcard A Day and Second on the 2nd - Tuesday 2 April 2024 - T for a drink without a postcad

 Hello lovely peeps, today I'm doing two in one. The first part is the drink image for Elizabeth and Bluebeard's T-Party and the second part is Second on the 2nd.

This week I had my lodger to dinner and I made a Thai curry:

My drink was a pink beer. It had a sort of cherry flavour. Very nice. The Thai curry probably had too much chicken in it but it tasted very good.

The second part is a blogpost I did exactly 10 years ago on the 1st of April 2014. I was new to blogging then and I answered ten 'newbie questions':

Ten questions to a newbie blogger

My blog friend Lizzy Hill is encouraging people to look at some new blogs. And mine is among them! Thank you Lizzy! (http://lizzyhill12.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/a-liebster-award-passing-it-on.html)

So if you are here via Lizzy's blog, you are very welcome. Have a look at some previous posts too.

She asked me to answer 10 questions, so here they are:
1.    What is your favorite book/TV show or movie?

I love reading. The book I would take with me on my ‘desert island’ would undoubtedly be the Bible. As a Christian I couldn’t  imagine life without it. As well as the gospel it has stories, and poetry and wise words. 
But I love my Kindle (electronic book) and read loads of fiction too. I like books for young adults and devoured ‘The Hunger Games’! I have recently read (and enjoyed) Richard Phillips The Rho Agenda trilogy. We don't watch tv at all but occasionally we'll watch a DVD. When we go back to the UK (once a year) we treat ourselves to a few cinema visits. That's a real treat for us as here in Spain all films are dubbed and our Spanish isn't good enough to enjoy a film. My all time fav film was Avatar, which we saw in 3D. Awesome!

2-Where would you travel to if you had an open end budget?

I’d love to go to a country with volcanic phenomena like geysers and lava flows etc. Iceland or Yoshemite Park or even Hawai!

3. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?

I was, and still am an avid reader (here is a layout I made about my old childhood book I found in a box). I also loved my paper cut out dolls and between my sister and I we had more than 100! We would put them against the piano in a row and dress them up and invent stories about them.

4. Most hated housework job? 

Most definitely the vacuum cleaning. I just hate the noise and when we lived in the UK (they have wall to wall carpets in the UK) my husband did the hoovering. (Yes, I know, he’s a treasure!) We now have tiles everywhere, so I just sweep and mop, no problem.

5. Share a photo from your life now - doesn't have to be of you.

This is a lake nearby. It's called Negratin and it's a reservoir really, but the water is such a deep turquoise colour! Beautiful! I love it!  There is one small beach which the locals use otherwise there are no tourists and I wanted to keep this place a secret.... I guess the secret is out now!

6. Why do you scrap?

I remember the time (and I’m only in my early 60s) when we spent hours looking through photo albums, the older the better. That is how we learnt as children about our family history and it was a prompt for grandparents to talk about their own  youth and the war and for us children to ask questions that would otherwise have never occurred. Children nowadays miss that sort of information as all our photos are on the computer or on a mobile phone. I hope I will give pleasure to whoever looks through my albums at some future time. 

7. Favourite pet? 

We’ve never had pets, not even as children. But a few years ago we stayed with friends when our house was sold and we hadn’t moved on yet. We stayed with them for a few months and they had the most gorgeous Labrador dogs. We fell in love with them and if I ever have a pet it would have to be a Labrador dog.

8. What was your dream job as a kid? 

I wanted to be a librarian. When I was a teenager I did work experience in the city archive and found it fascinating. But as I grew up I was discouraged to do these ‘dull’ jobs. I regret that now. I’m too old to retrain but I would have made a good librarian or archivist.

9. Who would you like to meet in real life? 

I’m inclined to say Jesus, but I believe I will meet him face to face when I die.  I think blogging is a great way to make friends and it would be my wish to meet one of my blogging friends (from the other side of the world even) in person one day. So you are all very welcome to come and see me (us).

10. What´s on your bucket list? 

Mmm, we are actually living our dream at the moment. I got breast cancer in 2011, and as soon as my treatment finished we moved to a sunny country, which had been our dream. We have lived here in Andalucia, Spain ever since. We had a cave house as a holiday home out in the ‘sticks’ far from any village. Not very practical now we are getting older, so we bought another property in a small nearby town, which we are renovating. I'm loving my life. (Being retired helps of course...)

(Sunset from our front door)

I hope you enjoyed having a peek into my life. Thanks for stopping by.
God bless and.... keep scrapping!



My name is Erika. said...

I loved your second on the second look back Lisca. Those were good questions, and I learned a lot about you reading the answers. And your Thai curry does look yummy. Even if you think it has too much chicken. Happy April to you Lisca, and I hope you have a wonderful T day too. hugs-Erika

Anonymous said...

Love the photo of you outside the country cave - trust the neighbours' cat to find the shadiest spot on a hot day! Are those lace making bobbins you're crafting with?
Keren x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I see you figured it out before you got my e-mail. YES, dear, it will help a LOT.

What an interesting post, Lisca. That hot sauce is too hot for me, but your pink beer looks cheery. Thanks for sharing your curry and beer with us for T this week, dear.

I learned a LOT about you from your answers. I had NO idea you had breast cancer. It definitely seems to be gone (or in remission), now.

You and I are just opposite when it comes to cleaning. I would rather use a vacuum than mop. Mopping is hard and when I do it, I have to get on my hands and knees, while I can plug in the vac and the carpet and even the linoleum floors are clean in a flash.

Thanks for sharing this great second look for the 2nd.

I copied this from before:
Got a failed to publish at 6:03 pm, my time. You might want to consider going to pop-up comments.

Iris Flavia said...

Yummy food and interesting facts about you!
Our vaccuum cleaner is broken since ages - we have wooden floors and tiles. Happy T-Day!

Mae Travels said...

I don’t think there’s any such thing as “too much chicken.” I love chicken, and your curry looks delicious.
I enjoyed your answers to the questions about yourself. I wonder if your Spanish has improved since then?

best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

DVArtist said...

Fabulous, fabulous, faboulous post. Yeah, paper dolls were the best.

CJ Kennedy said...

It was fun to read your second look back. I loved paper dolls as a kid. I would trace the torso outline of the doll and then design my own clothes. I smiled thinking about you and your sister with all your paper dolls and making up stories. Happy T Day