Friday, 4 March 2022

A Postcard A Day - Friday 4 March 2022 - Friday Smiles


Hello lovely ladies,

I hope you are all well. 

In these very worrying times, I thought I'd show you this postcard. To me it says: Light. The fact that we must always look towards the light instead of the darkness. And for me as a believer it reminds me of the divine Light. And as we say: "Light at the end of the tunnel", I say look for the silver lining along every cloud.

This card was sent to me in January by a German lady called Alexandra. I love it as a photo. That is not easy to photograph. This month the theme in our photo club was white. I chose a white almond blossom, but I would have liked to photograph something like the above postcard.
This is my blossom:
The stamps are the fun Snoopy stamp and a beautiful water lily.

This week I've very few collages. Friday was memorable because it had rained. It has hardly rained at all in a year! 
I went to the gym and the whole gym hall was covered with black plastic flooring and a light engineer was testing lots of psychedelic lighting. Needless to say we did our aerobics in a side room. I later learnt the hall was being prepared for the big carnaval party.  

I didn't go out at carnaval as it's not my scene, but children and adults alike dress up in fancy dress and it is one of the biggest parties on the village calendar.

On Sunday we attended adult baptisms. They were held in the thermal pool nearby. So we were wearing warm jackets and  the men and the pastors were enjoying the hot water. 
It was a special occasion and we all enjoyed it. Afterwards we went back to our meeting room and had a little party.

Monday was a Bank Holiday, namely Andalucia Day.  It commemorates the 28 February 1980 referendum, in which the Andalusian electorate voted for the statute that made Andalusia an autonomous community of Spain. The referendum was supposed to have been held in 1936 but the outbreak of the Civil War prevented it. Andalucia is the autonomous region with the largest population, with a total of 8,405,294 inhabitants.
On Tuesday I went to the market to buy some warm socks and other stuff I could put in a bag to send to Ukraine. There was a lorry going out that evening. Then I made a fish pie to enjoy with our friends who come most Tuesdays. I teach them Spanish and he teaches me photography.
On Thursday we were supposed to pop by the oncologist, but when I phoned to ask what time would be convenient, they said they'd phone back. When they did, they suggested we come on the 10th, after hubby's colonoscopy. That makes sense, so no updates on the medical front.
That's all I've got. Of course there will be some funnies (and 'thinkies') at the end, as per usual. For now, I'm going to sign off. Wishing you all a very safe weekend,
 Keep smiling,

This next one you've gotta sing out loud!

I had imagined the gate of heaven to be a little more impressive....


Iris Flavia said...

Rain, yippee. And you have strawberries already?
You had quite a week.

Love the six little stories.
Oh, boy, I have that song stuck in my head now!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful postcard. I like the almond blossom you photographed, too. It is a beautiful image and very nicely done.

So glad you didn't have a lot of food to share this week, because I am hungry. Hope Graham's colonoscopy turns out well and negative.

Loved the amores and the wild abandon parking. Hope you have a great week, Lisca and all is well in your world.

Annie said...

That seems like a quieter week for you this week Lisca....lovely. I love the funnies. Stephen was dressed as banana man 😀 ...he loves reading all sorts of books so think it was just an outfit they could find.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Lisca, I'm late I know it's just been one of those days. Gorgeous stamps again. You're right it's worrying times and I've listened to the reasoning behind the invasion of Ukraine and there seams to be mixed messages and none of them are justified in my eyes. Loving your funnies though sadly the first one may well be right. Continually it is presumed that everyone has a computer and can do all of this if they do have one which as we know is not always the case. Luckily I read the rest of your funnies and they made me smile lots. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

Celtic house said...

It must be a big festival in the area as I've just read similar on Kate's blog. I hope all goes well with Graham and his next appointment.

The photos of the baptism are fabulous something a little different to the fonts in the UK.

Have a lovely week.

mamapez5 said...

I see you had carnival as well as DĂ­a de AndalucĂ­a. Our carnival is a week on Saturday.
It is handy having a thermal pool for baptism services. My last church used the sea! We don't have adult baptism in the church I am with now.
I haven't found a really local collection point for Ukraine yet but I am sure I will. I heard Poland had enough clothes and blankets but urgently needs health and medical supplies, and transport with drivers.
Although I had seen most of your funnies before, they still made me smile. Times are so sad. I am glad we are still able to find things to smile about.
Stay safe and well. Kate x