Friday 4 October 2024

A Postcard A Day - Friday the 4th of October 2024 - Friday Smiles

 Hello lovely peeps,

Today it's time to share all the smiles if this week. There have been many, but I have to say that I'm not smiling at the moment as I'm in bed with a really bad cold. I must have caught it on the bus from Lisbon to Malaga. It reared its ugly head last night when we (my sister, hubby and friends) were just going out for an Indian curry. I chose a fairly spicey one so it would clear my sinuses. Which it did, but the next day I had to travel home and I was feeling quite ill. I dosed myself up with Paracetamol and I have just come home. I'm now in bed with a hot lemon drink.

It's also my eldest (English) grandson's birthday. He is 19 today.

My card for today is another Naughty Aunties card by Inge Löök:
The Aunties have done a spot of gardening. It comes to me from Germany. Sent by a 48 year old lady who has a cat named Roxy.

The stamp is cute:
It features a mouse on a windsurf board with a sail that looks like cheese. I know there is a children's tv programme in Germany called Die Sendung mit der Maus. I have never seen it so I don't know if this is Der Maus, the famous one.

I've been to see my sister in Marbella for a few days. That was nice as I don't get to see her that often.

I know that some people like a lovely red sunset.When we went to the Indian restaurant, the sun was just setting:
Here I am posing with my sister's friend and a beautiful sky.
There were also funny shaped clouds in the sky that were reflecting the red sky.
Some of them looked like space ships.

That is all from me lovely ladies,
I will add some funnies at the end like I always do.

Have a great weekend,
Keep smiling,


1 comment:

My name is Erika. said...

Hope you feel better soon Lisca. And those Naughty Aunties are great!