Friday 11 October 2024

A Postcard A Day - Friday 11 October 2024 - Friday Smiles

Hello lovely ladies, 
It's Friday already! That week has tripped by very fast! I have been poorly, but I'm better now. Still got a bit of a cough, but I'm up and about. Things are getting back to normal.

Let me show you my postcard for today:
It comes to me from Russia. It was sent to me by Nastya, who writes that she thought this lady could be me, as I love reading. Well, I am grey haired, and wear glasses, and I would sit by the window. But I don't have such a lush sea view, my  outlook is a bit more mountainy and arrid.
The painting is by Marina Molodchaya, and she calls it: Grandma.

The stamps are beautiful:

The stamp on the right dates from 1994, and it features a snuff box from 1752 and was issued for the 250th anniversary of the Imperial Porcelain Factory

Snuff Box (D.I. Vinogradov, 1752)

The other two stamps are from the series Novgorod Kremlin. This features the Kukui and Knyazhaya Towers.

Kukui and Knyazhaya Towers, Novgorod Kremlin

And this one is the St Sofia Cathedral

St. Sophia Cathedral, Novgorod Kremlin

So what has been happening here? Well, apart from me being ill, I have two new things to mention:

This is Frankie. She is my new kitten. She arrived this afternoon and we are getting to know each other. Frankie got her name from the colour of her eyes. The blue reminded me of old Blue Eyes, (Frank Sinatra)
She is very gentle, a proper little lady.

The other novelty is that I have started archery. I started last Friday and I did enjoy it although I was coming down with the flu. Unfortunately I've not got any photos. I'll try and get some this week.

I'm going to visit Annie to share my smiles, so I might see you A Stitch In Time. In the meantime I will add some funnies at the end.


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