Friday 19 July 2024

A Postcard A Dsy - Friday 19 July 2024 - Friday Smiles


Hello lovely ladies,
It's Friday again and I have a postcard for you from Japan. Friday is about the smiles of the week  (see Annie at A Stitch In Time) and this postcard (among other things) made me smile:

The artist is Noburo Baba, a famous Manga artist. The person who sent this to me is YaYoi and he/she was on a trip to Aomori Prefecture. She/he wrote the card at the Sannohe post office, the home town of above mentioned Noburo Baba.
A rubber stamp on the card made clear where Aomori is.
The stamps are beautiful:
They depict the Aomori Nebuta Festival.
The Aomori Nebuta Festival is a Japanese fire festival held annually between August 2nd and 7th in Aomori city. Every year more than 3 million visitors gather for the festivities from all over Japan and abroad to attend. During the festival, over twenty dynamic nebutas – massive lanterns floats based on kabuki or mythical stories – parade through the city of Aomori. 

On the evenings of August 2nd through 6th and daytime of the 7th, colorfully dressed Haneto (nebuta dancers) as well as flutists and drummers convey the nebuta floats through the city. On the night of the 7th, the nebutas are placed in boats and ferried around the Aomori Bay as fireworks light up the night sky to conclude the festival.

What an amazing festival! I've not done anything that exciting this week. My friend from South Africa was still here this week and we had many a pleasant night out:

With a drink or two.

Yesterday I drove her to the bus station where we said goodbye and I spent the day cleaning and preparing the room for my son and family. They arrived early this morning from Rome so I had to get up at an early hour to collect them at the airport at 8:30, which is 3 hours drive away. 
I let my son drive a bit on the way back.

My D-I-L and my grandson (yes, he has long hair).

So tonight I am going to flop into bed a bit early (It's Thursday night). It's 11:30 pm, that is early for me.

Have a great weekend,
Keep smiling!


Iris Flavia said...

Cute card and beautiful stamps.
We attended the Chinese New Years parade in Madeley/Perth this year, was (too loud but) fun.
Wow are you busy!
And what´s with boys with long hair these days. My friend´s son has that,too,I could (but won´t) get jealous!
Oh, let´s break free! And always wear our jeans... oh, forget about that... I am too old....
The Greek were clever and ohhh, that coffee!!!
Thanks for the funnies and have a great Friday!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great postcard and wonderful stamps. I'm pleased to hear I'm not the only one that has late nights. Enjoy your time with the family. Hugs Angela xXx

mamapez5 said...

The elephants are cute. They remind me of the 'Barbar' books I used to read with the boys.
That Japenese festival sounds amazing. And the stamps are lovely too.
I hope you have a great time with your son and his family. Our son is still here with us and it is great to have his company. Kate x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Right after I linked, I fell asleep in my computer chair. Woke when my forehead hit the keyboard! Found the guy who slept at the party a bit like me. Then the entire neighborhood lost power for over 11 hours. I was starting to get so hot without AC. The electric co finally found the problem and now I'm trying to cool my office.

Lovely postcard and great stamps. LOVE the elephants!

You had a nice long visit with your friend from So Africa. It's great your son and family are visiting you after your visit with them. Enjoy your time together.

LOVED the OCD joke and things we do and don't do. Have a great rest of the weekend and a great next week.

Kimberly Thomas said...

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