Friday, 14 March 2025

A Postcard A Day - Friday 14 March 2025 - Friday Smiles

 Hello lovely girls,

How is everyone? Looking forward to the weekend? In my life every day is weekend (I'm retired). Hey Ho! Look on the bright side! It's nearly spring...

On the down side, it's been raining almost continuously for weeks. And there is more rain forecast this weekend. Our land needs the rain desperately as we have had a drought for a few years, but now everything is coming at once. Sometimes too much and there are areas in southern Spain that have been flooded. 

But let me show you my postcard for the day:

It was sent by my lovely friend Maggie, who always sends me postcards when she travels. This one is from Germany. The writing translates roughly as: Due to holidays, hardly any writing.
The words at the bottom right say: With Ready-Made Greetings.

And here they are, the greetings:
There are some statements about the holiday. Maggie wrote that she hadn't looked at the back of the card when she bought it and it came as a surprise.

At the bottom of the card it says: Deutschland ist schön - wir zeigen es! Meaning: Germany is beautiful, we show it.

Unfortunately, nowhere on the card does it mention where this magnificent aquaduct is (I assume it's an aquaduct.) Does anyone know? Iris? Or my Austrian friends? (Rostrose or Violetta)
The stamp features a wild gladiolus.

So, what have I been up to? I have been cooking nice meals all week, The weather is pants, so indoors it is. I made my own paella for the first time. Paella is the traditional rice dish of eastern Spain, but here in southern Spain, it is a proper party dish that is cooked in huge pans (outside) on a low gas ring. I made a modest home version of it and it turned out well (IMHO).
The only thing I can say is, that it was hardly enough. It was enough for the three of us (My friends Kim and Andy and me) but we would all have liked a second helping. OK, next time I will double the amount of rice. I had made a seafood paella, but it doesn't have to be.  Often it is mixed, or if it is a bring-and-share thing, whatever people bring to contribute, goes in. Could be chicken, pork, rabbit, fish, or seafood. I have used proper saffron and the round paella rice cooked in fish broth. There is a good recipe on a website called Spain on a Fork. If anyone wants to make paella, have a look at that one.

I'm just looking through my recent photos to see if there's anything else interesting I could show you:
These are 'prickly pears'. I don't know the official name. These are unripe. They will turn yellow eventually. I took this picture last week when I was on the coast.

I'm going to link up with Annie, at A Stitch In Time to share my smiles. I might just see you there.

I do have several funnies lined up for you, just to keep your spirits up in this cold weather.

But that's all for now,
Enjoy your weekend,


My name is Erika. said...

Your paella looks delicious Lisca. It's hard to adjust recipes the first time when it's something new. Or at least I think so. I hope your rain stops and that you have a super birthday celebration too. hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia said...

Sorryy, Lisca, I have no idea where this is... But I have a lazy letter like this. I got it 1999 in Australia and never sent it away! You just reminded me of this...
Crazy with all the rain.
Oh, it really is so sad I don´t like seafood! The Paella-idea is just great. There is some detergent with a TV-ad on this, ever since I remember it was paella they used to show how strong their product is.
You can eat those 'prickly pears'?
Yes, still cold, 1C, brrr...
Glad to know I´m safe, LOL. And the radio, oh, boy... "mad"!
Have a happy Friday!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Love the new postcard, I like the idea of the ready made greetings very clever. Gorgeous stamp too and the Paella is one of our favourite foods though I don't quite make it like the Spanish. Great collection of funnies too. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

mamapez5 said...

definitely stay in doors weather this week. It is good to see the rain, but I welcome a blue sky this morning, even if grey clouds are gathering again on the horizon.
I am not a fan of either paella or seafood (why am I in Spain!), but my son makes a big dish of it for parties and his family love it.
very ocasionally we see prickly pears in the market. While I was living in Cyprus, an old man showed me how to handle them and prepare them for eating, but I didn'tthink they were worth the fight with all the prickles.
I love all your funnies, especially the boxers this week. Kate x

Annie said...

That Paella looks delicious. I don't make paella but I do make risottos and we love those. Great funnies today.
Annie x