Tuesday, 18 March 2025

A Postcard A Day - Tuesday 18 March 2025 - T for

 Hello lovely ladies,

How are you today? How was your week? My week has been quite busy, but before I tell you about that I will show you my postcard. It's an unusual one today:

It comes to me from Rostock in Germany.It was sent by Emily who was visiting the Amber Museum/monastery in Ribnitz Damgarten.
What we see on the card is a north German saying:
Roughly translated: Whoever rejoices over the misfortunes of others, his own (misfortune) is at the door and blooming.

I found a picture of the Amber Museum on the Internet:

And the 'blurb':

You can expect an exciting introduction to the natural history and geology of the fossil resin and precious works of art from 3000 years on over 1,000 square metres. The exhibition on the history of the monastery and convent in the adjacent monastery church shows hidden and revealed treasures so that you can also trace the life of the Poor Clares and the Protestant landowner's daughters at this place.

The stamps are interesting:

Who was Immanuel Kant? Wikipedia comes to the rescue: Immanuel Kant (born Emanuel Kant; 22 April 1724 – 12 February 1804) was a German philosopher and one of the central Enlightenment thinkers.

The sentence on the stamp is translated below:

Kant believed that reason is the source of morality, and that aesthetics arises from a faculty of disinterested judgment. Kant's religious views were deeply connected to his moral theory. Their exact nature remains in dispute. He hoped that perpetual peace could be secured through an international federation of republican states and international cooperation. His cosmopolitan reputation is called into question by his promulgation of scientific racism for much of his career, although he altered his views on the subject in the last decade of his life.

So, what have I been doing with myself this week? Well, it's strawberry season here and I buy large punnets of them and eat them for breakfast with creamy greek yoghurt, yummm:

On Friday I did Pilates and I had a massage after that, then I treated myself to a Poke bowl at the local Japanese take-away (Just a minute's walk from the Pilates place):

On Friday I do archery at the local sports center:

This time I asked someone to take a picture of me:
I enjoy doing it, and that particular day we did a sort of competition with the 'boys'. The women won!!

On Saturday I went out with my girl friends. There are five of us and it is always difficult to get all of them together as three of them still work. 

As you can see below we were more than 5 (seven in fact) as two Dutch friends happened to be in town so we invited them too.
It was a Chinese buffet. Really nice, all freshly made. There was sushi, and lots of Chinese dishes, sweet things, fried stuff (like spring rolls) and a lot of things I didn't know. A journey of discovery.

As today is the T-Party hosted by Elizabeth and Bluebeard. I needed a drink. Plenty of drinks on the table above. Most people had beer. I was driving so I had a 0% beer. 

That is all from me today,

Happy T-Day all!



My name is Erika. said...

I love strawberry season, and in my area it doesn't happen until June. I bet they are very tasty. And it sounds like you've had a fun week. I would like to try archery one day. It looks like fun- and hurrah for the girls winning. :) And it's always fun to get together with girlfriends. I hope you havae a super T day and week ahead Lisca. hugs-Erika

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a unique postcard. I would love to visit that amber museum. I remember studying Immanuel Kant in college. I enjoyed seeing and remembering again.

I love strawberries, but I prefer to eat them plain with their little green caps still on.

Looks like you had an fun week with Pilates, a massage, archery, and a Poke bowl. And to top it all off was your night out with friends at a Chinese buffet. Lots of drinks on that table to choose from, too. Thanks for sharing your postcard, stamps, week of activities, and drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear Lisca.

Mae Travels said...

We have big just-ok California and Mexican strawberries all year, but the local ones are only in season for a few weeks at the end of June, and their taste is unequaled by any other. Enjoy your treat!
best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

My name is Erika. said...

Thanks for sending along the YouTube link about AJ Croce and his Dad. It was really good! When you learn more of the backstory it really makes the whole event more rich. I hope you're having a great Tuesday-hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

Mmm, strawberries and yogurt. I have to wait until June. I took archery in school. So fun to get together with friends and the Chinese buffet sounds delicious. Happy T Day