Hello lovely ladies,
Ready for the T-Party? Come and join Elizabeth and Bleubeard, our hosts, with a beverage. I'm having a coffee:

It should have been champagne as we are celebrating 7 years T for Tuesday! Thank you so much Elizabeth for hosting this wonderful T-fest!
I have received a few postcards again. This one is from the Netherlands. It is the light house at Marken. The name of the lighthouse is (translated) The Horse Of Marken.
Wikipedia says: The Paard van Marken (English: Horse of Marken) is a lighthouse on the Dutch peninsula Marken, on the IJsselmeer. It was built in 1839 by J. Valk. A primitive lighthouse had been on the location since the early 18th century; the current lighthouse has been a listed building (Rijksmonument) since 1970.Here is a map to give you an idea where Marken is:
The place used to be an island but it was linked to the mainland by a fixed dike. Since the Middle Ages, Marken has lost about a third of its total area. In the eastern part of the island, underwater, there are still remains of a medieval cloister that was razed by the waves.
The Marken houses are built on artificial mounds raised largely during the 15th century. This type of construction allowed the inhabitants to be safe from frequent floods. When most of the island's rugged terrain was occupied by houses, construction began on wooden stilt houses, a move that allowed water to pass under the houses without causing problems. When the fixed dike was built and the water was drained, the wooden stilt houses were no longer useful, so they were gradually abandoned.
Marken is still an agglomeration of typical wooden houses. The island, converted into a peninsula in 1957, is considered part of the national heritage and has official protection. Marken is a renowned tourist center, famous for its already mentioned wooden houses and for the use of the typical Dutch costume.
None of the photos are mine. I have snaffled them all from the Internet. Also the info is from Wikipedia.
The stamp on the card is really nice. It features the Flying Scotsman train.
This (steam) train ran from London in England to Edinburgh in Scotland. In total 534 km.
I did not take these pictures, but some friends of mine did. The helicopter is lifting water out of the local lake (Reservoir), to drop onto the fire.
I still go walking with my friend twice a week. Here are some photos from last week's walks.
The iron Bridge is just outside the village. There used to be a railway line, which was discontinued in the sixties. But this old bridge is still there. I took this picture:
On December 16, 1894 the Baza, Caniles and Hijate stations were open to rail traffic. This 135 km section belonged to the projected line from Granada to Lorca, and built by The Great Southern of Spain Railway Company Limited. Along the route there were bridges such as the well-known Iron Bridge or Lata de Caniles, a unique work of engineering and application of new materials, now abandoned.
Apparently it was designed by the studio of Gustav Eiffel.
The track where the railway used to be is now a walking path called the Greenway. (Via Verde). The factory you can just about see in the distance, is the old sugar factory (now disused). The train line was important for the factory in its hayday. When the importation of sugar cane from Cuba was no longer possible, the sugar factories had to close.

In the photo below, we are on our way back to Caniles. You can see the village in the distance.
We passed the sheep farm on the way back.And we saw some interesting flowers. I have no idea what this is...
You can tell by the angle that the bush/tree was taller than me. It has some interesting pods.
Then I had pork fillet char grilled with chips. Very simple but tasty. Our drinks were Radler (lager beer with lemon juice).
We were wearing masks (now compulsory here), but thankfully we are allowed to take them off while eating!
That's it from me today.
Happy T-Day to all,
PS, I have not added my asterix this time, as I still have not made my ATC (although I planned to do one). Elizabeth asked to have one ready and I have had plenty of warning. It somehow never happened, so I'm sorry, No ATC from me....
Hi lisca, Your post today was so informative I enjoyed learning about everything you mentioned.
That is an interesting plant perhaps someone will know what it is.
Nice you were able to get out of the house and also to a restaurant.
Happy T Kathy
If you want to join the ATC party, PLEASE add your asterisk and make an ATC as soon as possible. I only asked that you have one ready, but PLEASE don't let that stop you from joining the fun. SO few people are joining in this year, it would be great if you would join, please.
Would love to one day see the Scandinavian countries- thank you for sharing the history and photos!
Looks like a great walk with your friend, but those fires- oh my:(
We are supposed to wear masks everywhere again too- but yes, a good thing we can take them off to eat! Perhaps one of these days I'll be able to enjoy a restaurant again... Happy T day!
Now I'm back to read your post. I have made my own gazpacho before. It was my main meal, though. Mine was different because I left a few of the veggies out of the blender to make the soup, then added them at the end. I also added a dollop of sour cream to the top. Very good vegetarian fare.
I enjoyed reading about the light house at Marken. Fascinating the way you research these postcards and stamps you get.
Sorry to read about the bush fires. It's scary, I'm sure. WOW, I was impressed that the old bridge was designed by Eiffel himself. Pretty amazing.
Those flowers look scary to me. I suspect they are weeds that attach themselves to any and everything and spread like wild fires (NO PUN intended).
Thanks for sharing your week, your walks, your restaurant meal and gazpacho, along with your lager beer with lemon with us for T this Tuesday. And I do hope you join the swap.
Thanks for the lovely photos of where you live, but the fires sound scary. Glad you were able to get out for a nice meal, it looks great. A very interesting postcard, too. Great postcard, too. Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
Awww, too late! Now that you mention, we have a small bottle of sparkling wine in the fridge.
And I chose a Flamingo.
Wow. Linked by but a dike sounds... not that safe. But, oh, those green houses are beautiful!!
Scary with the fires. Charming bridge. Sheep, awww. Sometimes I wonder if they know how cute they are.
Hubby refuses to go out for lunch or whatever, with all the rules that stick to it.
Oh, boy. I remember I saw a docu on a Muslim woman. She ate with niquab on. Glad we´re not that... strict.
A happy T-day to you!
I love lighthouses and Marken looks a fascinating place too! We used to the The Flying Scotsman often as it came through by my Gran's house, now all steam trains are wonderful to see! Your meal looks most delicious and all the better for not having to cook it!! How sad to see the fires, but the walks around your area looks great! Happy T Day, Chrisx
A really interesting post Lisca, you live in a lovely area. Masks are now being advised to wear here in the UK, personally I think it is about time we did so.
Your meal out looks delicious and even better that you would have it prepared and not have to wash up afterwards.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx
Very interesting information about Marken, Lisca. I learn something new every T-day ;-) I wish I could send you some rain. We're getting lots!
That plant is really strange, even the pods. Maybe Erika will come up with the ID. How nice it must feel to eat in a restaurant. Your meal looks delicious.
Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen
I enjoyed learning about the wooden stilt houses in Marken and the flying Scotsman train.
The flowers from your walk are beautiful. I am sorry to hear about the brush fires being so close to your house.
Your meal looks delicious! What a great break from cooking.
Happy Tea Day,
I always feel like I get to take a trip from home when I visit your blog. Always interesting history of your postcards and the sights along your walks. Your dinner sounds wonderful and I love the lettering on your soup bowl. Take care and HappyTDay
Beautiful postcards! Such interesting places, I loved seeing the architecture and those stilt houses are gorgeous 😁. The fires must be scary, glad all was ok! Your meal looks delicious and it's going to be compulsory here to wear masks in shops next week. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x
The story about Marken is very interesting. And I also really enjoyed seeing your area from your walk. It is certainly dry. Do you worry those firews will end up close to you? And your lunch looks good. Some places here are starting to require masks. It is up to individual town and businesses. It would be helpful it they just required. Hope it was a super T day and you have a wonderful rest of your week. Hugs-Erika
Beautiful postcards and stamps. Nice assortment of photos. Your food looks delicious. Happy belated T-Day!
Buenos Dias, Lisca. Your post cards and information are always so interesting. My goodness, I hope you stay safe from the fires! Dinner looks yummy. Happy belated T Day!
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