Tuesday, 28 January 2025

A Postcard A Day - Tuesday 28 January 2025 - T for Vermont and pink nails

 Hello lovely ladies,

It's Tuesday once again. The week has flown by and once again I'm going to join the T-Party hosted by Elizabeth and Bluebeard. But first let me show you my postcard:

And yes, it comes from the United States, but not from Vermont. It was sent by Pat who lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She says Coca-cola was invented there. 
What strikes me about the map are the many English place names: St.Albans, Bristol, Richmond, Manchester, Rutland, Chester, Plymouth. These are all places in the UK I have actually been to. Montpellier is a part of Bristol (UK). 

There is some information about Vermont on the back of the card:
I also find this info interesting as I don't know much about the different states.

The stamp was the lovely orange daisy (I call it a gerbera):

Well, what has been happening here in Spain. Not much. It's January, and not much going on.

There is an awful storm raging t the moment. I have hardly slept a wink last night for all the whistling and howling. Horrible. Temperatures are mild. That is a blessing. I hope tonight the wind will be less, so I can sleep. 

I've been to the beautician together with my friend Kim to have my nails done:
And here is Kim:

I now have pink nails:
I'm longing for spring and bright colours.

The other thing I did was attend a course in Photoshop, organized by the local photo club.
Here I am on the right with a green jumper. I found it quite confusing. Having used Photoshop Elements when I did digital scrapbooking, I thought it would be easy, but it is very complicated. I have learnt something, not much, but something. Next time I'll learn more.

Of course this is the T-Party and I should share a drink with you. This is what I have in front of me: A drink called Aquarius, an isotonic drink.

What you see in the background on the TV is the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp.  I have been watching it this afternoon. Very moving. Heads of state and royalty from allover Europe and beyond.

That is it from me today.

Happy T-Day to all!



My name is Erika. said...

It is so interesting to see a Vermont postcard in your T day post Lisca. It is one of New Hampshire's neighbor states. And yes, all of New England (which Vermont is one of the 6 states in New England) was settled by the British so many of our town names are British names. You can tell what areas of England people came from when they named these places like their original home. It's something I love about living in this area. And I'm also with you about spring colors. Spring won't be in our area for quite a while yet though. Your nails look great too. Have a happy T day. hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, lucky you, my nails are broken all winter long (and mostly even in summer, too).
Oh, my Photoshop days are gone since 2018.
I saw the anniversary, too. The horror is unbelievable.
Oh. You´re in the news with the storm right now...
Wishing you a non-stormy night!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What an interesting postcard. I enjoyed seeing all the very British names, too. By the time you get to Kansas, there are no British cities here.

You have some bright pink nails. I can see you are ready for spring.

I have full blown Photoshop. Never saw Elements. I have had it since 1998 and still know very little about how to use it. I know how to create my watermark and that is basically what I use it for.

I think you will LOVE Carola's blog post this week. Lots of great doors.

I also watched the Holocaust 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Quite moving PBS special last night on then resistance fighters.

Thanks for sharing your week and your Aquarius drink with us for T this Tuesday, dear Lisca.

Carola Bartz said...

Beside the British names, you will also find German names in some US states and those of other countries as well. Montpellier I would have associated with France, though.
I used to use Photoshop quite a lot and I still do for minor things, but my main photo post processing software is Lightroom. I really like that. My version is pretty old, it's from when you were still able to buy the actual software and not a subscription. So I don't have all the new more fancy stuff that can do some wonderful things, but I'm okay with what I have. Happy T day! Hugs - Carola

Mae Travels said...

A subsidized beach vacation does sound quite lovely, and I hope you’ll enjoy good early-spring weather when you are there.
best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Empire of the Cat said...

I guess they were serious when they called it NEW England and just reused all the names from the old country lol. Your nails look fab, mine are always covered in paint or glue or something so nail polish would be a disaster. I haven't seen the documentary yet. I also have full photoshop and after using that for so long I find Elements to be confusing haha. Hope your little cat is well and happy as are you, dear Lisca. Happy T Day!

Cloudia said...

A meaningful post! Very enjoyable too. Saimin is a noodle soup popular in Hawaii! Aloha to YOU!

Cloudia said...

I adore Vermont and spent time there in my youth. . . . Happy Memories

CJ Kennedy said...

What my neighbor to the North, Erika said about New England. Your nails are so pretty. Mine are all chipped and broken so I've never gone to a nail salon as I'm too embarrassed. I watched a little of the Auschwitz anniversary on television. As you said, very moving. Happy T Day

Violetta said...

Nice nails dear Lisca. And a nice postcard showing Vermont. I once new all the US states by heart and their capitals....but I think I have forgotten some of them. Thanks for your nice visits to my blog. Have a good time