Hello lovely girls,
How are you all? Not too hot? (Or in the case of northern Europe: too much rain?) It continues to be hot here but fortunately no extreme temperatures. Just hot.
I have a postcard to show you. It's not a particular interesting one:
A pretty (debatable) girl. It was sent to me by Duc from Switzerland. No mention of who this girl might be. But the stamps are very interesting:
The right hand stamp features a domino stone. The Swiss post writes: The game of dominoes is played all over the world, but its origins are something of a mystery – it was most likely created in China. The game has existed in Europe since the late Middle Ages. Dominoes is not just a social activity, there are also championships – and the world champion in 2020 was actually Swiss.

The four special stamps, each with a value of 50 centimes, are ideal to use together, so that every envelope can be given a personalized design.
The white stamp, I've written about before. It represents a 'blank canvas'. It actually feels like fabric.
The two left stamps are from 2022 and show 10 and 20 centimes coins.
Now, what Have I been up to?
On Tuesday I passed the market and I saw a pair of elegant pants. I just had to buy them! But of course I'm very short, and I had to cut off a piece and hem them. My friend Kim put a pin in the right length and then I got the sewing machine out and I did that little job:
On Saturday it was my turn to man the photo exhibition in the village (It was open for two weeks and we all took a turn.) Here I am at the door of the venue:
Wearing my new pants.
As I was going home after my stint at the exhibition, I saw my Danish friends having a meal. They called me over and I had a drink with them (not a meal):
I had a glass of red wine, which in our village usually gets served ice cold! Very strange... but refreshing nonetheless.
A drink I have discovered recently is iced coffee:
This particular brand is Australian and I add milk and ice cubes. It's delicious.
On Sunday the photo exhibition closed and some of the members came and helped taking everything down.
Here we are taking all the photos out of the frames, as we keep the frames for next year.
The girl on the right is from Honduras. She is here with her husband visiting her father-in-law for the summer holidays. I told her that there were several girls from Honduras living in our village, and she really wants to meet them. So I have organized a get-together on Tuesday evening. (Watch this space).
Also this week I have finally put up some guirlande lamps that I have had for ages. I've hung them on my little patio and it looks really nice.
The night temperatures have gone down a bit and it is now really nice to sit outside in the evening.
I watched a very beautiful documentary film called
on Netflix. It's about the Italian free diver Alessia Zecchini while she trains to break a world record, with the help of her Irish expert safety diver Steve Keenan. I recommend it if you can watch it in your country.
That is it, lovely girls. It's nearly midnight. I'll post this and go to bed.
Before I go, this is for all you cat lovers:
PS I just read that Elizabeth had trouble focusing her camera on my stamp from Spain. I have a strip left, so I took a photo:
The bottom line reads: Rompe el circulo de la pobreza infantil. which means: Break the circle of child poverty.
Your new pants look pretty cool! Good job in altering them - I would be completelt useless doing that. A sewing machine has never been my friend. I think that girl on the postcard is Taylor Swift, but I might be mistaken. Iced coffee is wonderful, I sometimes make it myself - great on a summer afternoon. Happy T day!
Your new pants are pretty and you wear them beautifully, Lisca! Look like you have a lot going on from photo exhibitions, sewing pants to having spontaneous drinks with friends. That sounds like a lot more than I get done in my week!
I agree with Carola, that photo looks just like Taylor Swift. While I don't like her music, she is very popular with the younger population.
Your patio looks lovely! The lights add a cozy atmosphere for sure.
Happy Tea Day,
Your new pants look really nice! You did a great job fixing them! Iced coffee looks amazing. It is a good treat on a hot summer day. Thanks for the share, Happy T day!
And just like Kate and Carola wrote, the girl on your postcard is Taylor Swift. And I love how the pants look on you. They were a lucky find. And I like your lights on your patio too. It looks like a really lovely place to sit. And it sounds like you've had another lovely week; I hope this week goes great also. And enjoy your iced coffee and it's great when it's hot, isn't it? Stay cool. hugs-Erika
Fun domino-stamps! And "cool" trousers.
Iced coffee is the only I like. And don´t have, buhuuu (but it´s too cold for that anyways).
Love the lamps outside - have a happy T-day!
I admit, the pants look better than I thought they would when you showed them on Friday. And that is why I gave up wearing slacks. I'm so short (4 ft, 11 inches) they must all be shortened. They look good on you.
That is a weird postcard. It appears Duk didn't read your requests. I DO like the stamps. I loved the dominoes and the fabric one. Your postage stamps are MUCH better than the ones we have here in the states. Thanks, too for sharing the postage stamp that is on your envelope. Not sure why, but I had all kinds of trouble getting several to focus today. Once they came into focus, I would take a photo. Unfortunately, by the time I got the shot, it was out of focus.
Nice several people came to remove the photos from the frames. That is hard work.
OH WOW, Lisca. I want some cold brewed iced coffee. It looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing your postcard, stamps, new pants, and iced coffee with us for T this Tuesday, dear. And thank you again for thinking of me with your adorable postcard and ATC.
The girl on the photo looks like like Taylor Swift. I like her music when I am in a youthful mood - lol. Interesting stamps for sure - especially yours. Sounds like a good week. Love your pants, your patio lights (I would sit out there too), and that you help with the photo display in town. Great drink post too. Your posts are seriously cool! Happy t-day and hugz
Lovely card and stamps, I don't know who that girl is. I like how you all join in and help with events in your little village. Your new pants looks good, I love the swirly pattern and colours, very pretty. Have a good week, enjoy time on your little patio, it's so nice to sit out at night! Hugs, Valerie
Dear Lisca,
the stamps with the dominoes are really interesting - they invite to play. Your new trousers look super chic and suit you very well.
I heard about the film The Deepest Breath...isn't there a tragic background? I would only watch it if it didn't end too badly...
Here in Austria it was very hot in July, but so far in August it has mainly been rainy, stormy and cool. Today was the first day of sun again, but the rest of the week is expected to be mixed. Let's wait and see.
All the best
This is just a lovely post. I love the new pants, very stylish. You are busy and that's a good thing. I will watch the Deepest Breath. I have seen it on Netflix and keep passing it by. Have a lovely day.
We play dominos, Mexican train, and we play triominos at our seniors potlucks once a month at our church. Cool stamp. I did a double take that you were taking up your eggplant's plants! LOL I misread elegant pants. Our brains do funny things! They are elegant and you look good in them. Happy T day.
As a kid played with dominoes, more like building blocks than actually playing the game. You look elegant in your elegant pants and I like the addition of the lights to your patio. Happy T Day
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