Hello everyone! How are you all? Are you ready for the T-Party? Elizabeth and Bluebeard at Altered Book Lover are waiting to read any blog post with a beverage in it.
I will jump right in with this fascinating stamp. It is from Ireland as you can see and it has the image of a very old looking bowl. I looked it up and this is what I found (Wikipedia):
The Keshcarrigan Bowl is an Iron age bronze bowl discovered to the north of Keshcarrigan, county Leitrim, Ireland, in the 19th century. It was perhaps a ceremonial drinking cup.The bowl would have been a prestigious item in the 1st century Ireland, the bird-shaped handle outstandingly designed and skillfully executed. The Keshcarrigan Bowl is preserved and displayed at the archaeology branch of the National museum of Ireland.
The stamp was on this card:It was sent to me by Tina, who is from Finland, but was on holiday in Galway, Ireland. The book on the card is Spanish. That is all I can decipher as there is an 'airmail' sticker on the description. I tried unsuccessfully to pull it off. As the postcard has 'Uppsala universitets bibliotek' written on it (Uppsala (Sweden) university library), I assume the book is part of their collection.
The next card was sent to me by a lovely lady in Holland. She had read that I like old travel posters and has sent me this one from Bryce Canyon National Park. Elizabeth will love the colours, as she likes rust. I remember visiting Bryce Canyon in 2001. An exhilerating experience. Beautiful.
This is the info on the back of the card:
"Works Progress Administration (WPA), Artists: Doug Leen - Brian Maebius
Between 1935 and 1943, the WPA's Federal Art Project printed over two million posters in 35,000 different designs to stir the public's imagination for education, theater, health, safelty, and travel. Due to their fragile nature only two thousand posters have survived. This contemporary design illustrates many of the WPA era posters, including those of our National Parks."
The stamps are from the Netherlands. The stamp on the right was issued on the 24th of Septenber 2012 to celebrate the re-opening of the Stedelijk Museum (City Museum) in Amsterdam. This particular one features the zigzag chair (version 1) designed by Gerrit Rietveld in 1932. The stamp on the left people have paid a little bit more for to support the children's charities in the Netherlands.
I also would like to share a few more photos of our trip to the UK last month. We travelled from the very south of Spain to the very north to catch a direct ferry to Portsmouth in the UK. Here we are in the port of Bilbao, waiting to drive onto the ferry.
The journey took a day and a half. We would arrive at 8:30 pm. Our first destination was 4 hours drive away, so we had decided to spend the night in a hotel. This is the one I booked. And very nice it was too.

It was called Lodge at Solent. The Solent being the strait that seperates the Isle of White with mainland England. Our room was the first one on the ground floor (behind the red car).
We slept well and in the morning enjoyed an excellent breakfast:
In the foyer of the hotel we found this fun arty structure. Of course I had to sit on it straight away and pretend the sun was shining!
That was it from me today. As you have seen, there are lots of drinks references.
Wishing you all a very happy T-Day,