Here is the photo of my desk. No project on the go as yet. (although I should be making a card for the first birthday of one of our grandchildren) Instead you can see two scrapbook albums with page protectors that I bought in the UK. In the foreground is some artwork by Hannah Dunnett, whose work I love.

Work on our house is continuing and we now have window frames in both arches. Hopefully the glazier will put glass in soon.
I've had to stop Postcrossing the two months I was travelling but I'm back in the swing of sending and receiving postcards again. Here is one of the cards I received. I love turtles and tortoises, so I really love this card.
Today was the first sunny and warm day after a cold spell. I'm sitting in the shade of the vine. Our neighbour pruned it (the vine) properly at the right time of year and the right position of the moon etc. Look at the abundance of baby grapes growing!
That's it from me today. Hopefully I'll have a more interesting page next time.
Have a great week everyone,
God bless,
Welcome back home. I have been following your trip and enjoyed it as if I was a fly on the caravan wall hahaha. I love that turtle postcard. I havent played WOYWW for a couple of weeks, been too busy on other stuff I want to tell you about, now to find your email address
Ooooh! LOOOOVE that art work as's amazing:) Almost love those grapes as much....being a cold, wet, dismal winter's day here, it was nice to see such 'light'.....& yup! Easy does it indeedy. That washing ain't going anywhere's fast;)
Wow that is some doorway and those turtles are so cute love them too :)
are the grapes for wine or eating?
hugs Nikki
Welcome home! Love that arch, and the artwork by Hannah Dunnet is gorgeous. Happy WOYWW, Evelyn
Looks like your going to have a good crop of grapes this year. Do you eat them all or make wine with them. Happy woyww jill #12
Hi Lisca, happy WOYWW. That turtle postcard is just too cute. Love that your building is progressing...I wish ours would hurry up...fabulous arch windows. Growing your own grapes too - the vines do make a lovely shady spot to sit. Have a wonderful week, relax now you're home, cheers RobynO#16
Great windows, great turtles, great vine and great artwork! Thanks for sharing today, that has been some trip!! Happy WOYWW Cindy #36
Love those turtles crossing in a line - someone was at the right place at the right time obviously.
Good luck with the windows, looking good, as are the grapes. Mmmm. mouthwatering.
Hugs, Neet 13 xx
Hi's good to see you safely home from your travels. I really love your arched windows and wow what a lot of grapes.....what do you do with them? Make a good couple of bottles of wine I'm sure ;-)
Annie x # 9
Mmm, not sure what to do with the grapes. We've never had that many. Wine is so cheap here it might not be worth the hassle to make our own. We'll see....
Hi Lisca, although it's nice to get away, it's lovely to get home isn't it? Looking forward to sitting beneath grape vines for the next couple of weeks in Greece, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #15 xxx
One could say "Welcome home" Lisca, wow 2 months of travelling, THAT is amazing - I am looking forward to see what you will make for art later on. Thank you ever so much for sharing :)
Kind regards
Mariane #49
It's lovely to go travelling but even better to arrive back home, in my opinion! Even though there's mountains of washing etc.......;-)
Your house is looking least it doesn't matter in your hot climate whether the glazing is in yet. And look at those grapes, you'll be able to make your own wine with that prospective harvest!
Hugs, LLJ 8 xxx
It's turtle time! (just another way of saying, "have a fun time.") The arch looks's going to be beautiful. Glad you had fun and safe travels. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #43
Your home looks lovely - Thanks for a peek at your work desk :) Soojay 10#
So enjoy reading about your travels, and now about your desk at home. Really lovely. And that arch is grand. I'm sure you'll show us when the windows are finished. I'm certain grapes are good for more than wine, depending on the type, of course. Happy WOYWW from # 5.
Welcome home.. hope the pile of washing gets done soon (awful chore!) Love yur desk - and that wisdom piece is fab. Helen 2
I think your post was very interesting. Can't believe you are just back - how long were you away? I hat the washing when you get back!!!Cute postcard you have there :-) I'm back from not blogging for ages - I have been so busy. Anne x #25
Pleased to hear you are home safely. I love tortoises too but someone has let some terrapins free into the park lake near where we live and they will eat just about anything including baby ducks. Something has taken the signets the first day they were on the lake but it is thought that it was the Pike that was to blame for that.
Hope you settle back to normal life again, Angela xXx 26
It's good to hear that you made it home safely and that you had a good time during your tour around Europe. I'm not familiar with Hannah Dunnett, but I sure like the piece of hers that you got. Blessings, my friend!
Nothing like a load of washing to make you feel like you are home. Great pic of the turtles. Have a great weekend settling back into your routine.
sandra de @37
Welcome home, I have enjoyed seeing your travels on here. The downside of travel is the unpacking and washing, but what great memories
Welcome back, Lisca. 😊 no matter how wonderful the travel it's always good to get home. I have enjoyed armchair travelling with you. 😊
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