Wednesday, 27 May 2015

WOYWW 312 DNA, a hobbit shop and two mochas

Hi folks,
We went on a 5 day retreat last week, that's why there was no post from me, sorry. It was a beautiful place called Lee Abbey in north Devon, UK. Here is a photo of the view from our room.

I'm back though but as I am travelling there is no craft desk to show....  But here is an unusual desk. 

The retreat last week was about Science and Faith.  One of the scientists had brought some simple equipment and we were able to make our own DNA visible and put it in a small vial to hang around our neck. Fascinating!

As we were driving to our next destination in the UK, we stopped at a motorway service station. It was a new one. Guess what, it was built into the landscape. Like in the 'shire' in the Hobbit film. Isn't that cute! The food was excellent.

Another photo from our holiday is of this coffee shop. 

This is the outside.

And this was some of the furniture outside. The table was solid wood. That must have been a massive tree! So old! If only it could talk!

We're travelling to Holland tomorrow, so I'll see you all next Wednesday. 
God bless,

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

WOYWW 309 campervan, caravan and lots of rain!

 Hello deskhoppers, today is Wednesday when we all show each other our workdesks.
As many ofyou know we are on holiday visiting the UK in our campervan. So my desk is the table in the photo.
Ive taken some craft suppli3s with me so ive been doing some bits and bobs. At the moment Im making little concertina books for each of our English speaking grandchildren.There are photos of ourselves and Bible verses on each page. 
Uk deskhoppers will know the shop called The Range. When we arrived in Plymouth, I learnt that there was a Range nearby. Needless to say I had to get some stash.
The stuff on the left came free with the half price magazines i bought. On the right are the things I needed like the white ink pad and white spritzer, plus a few stamps that didn.cost too much.Thats I it for today.
Have a great week,