Friday 2 August 2024

A Postcard A Day - Friday 2 August 2024 - Friday Smiles

 Hello lovely girls,

Is it also hot where you are? Inside my house it's 29 degrees C in spite of the fans and outside it's 43 degrees in the shade. Even my cacti are feeling it. I'm not saying anymore.

I'll show you my postcard and stamp for today and then some photos of what I've been doing this week and at the end some funnies as per usual. 

There have been many smiles this week as my son and his family were here, but there were a couple of groans as well (and I'm not talking about the temperatures).

My postcard today comes from Finland:

It's a skateboarder, photographed by Hugh Holland in 2019 in a series of postcards called 'Sun, Skate, Seventies'. It was sent to me by Paula from Oulu in Finland. She is studying Dutch with Duolingo and she wrote to me in Dutch. How amazing is that!

The stamp features a work of art by the painter Tyko Salinen: The Washerwomen:
Tyko Konstantin Sallinen (1879-1955) was a Finnish expressionism style painter. In late 1916 Sallinen became a founder member of the November Group, which was a Finnish group of expressionists and cubists. Wikipedia

Here is another Finnish stamp with the same artwork:

I had a lovely time with my son and his family. They stayed for two weeks and have been out and about visiting places near and far. On Saturday we went to Guadix, a town only 40 minute drive away as they have a large weekly Saturday market. Little Luciano wanted to buy some trainers with the money he had been given.

And here are my son and his wife posing for me at the market:

That evening we all went out for dinner with our friends David and Patricia:

On Sunday the family went off on their own so I could go to church. In the afternoon I thought I'd surprise them by baking a cake. I had turned the oven on (gas oven) to preheat and went to the bath room to wash my hands and then got the ingredients out of the pantry, when I heard a sort of a 'poff'  and  the noise of falling glass. 
The glass on the inside of the oven door had exploded. There was glass everywhere! The whole kitchen was covered in tiny little pieces of glass! It took me more than an hour to clean it all. (And no cake of course).

Wednesday they flew back to Italy from Alicante airport. The airline had asked them to come to the airport extra early as the Security staff were on strike, so we decided to leave at 3 pm. The kiddos went into town quickly to buy some provisions for the journey and as they came out of the supermarket they witnessed someone back right into my car. The guy was about to drive away but they were able to prevent that, but of course my son only speaks Italian, no Spanish. I was home and got a lift into town from a friend and we eventually sorted out the paperwork. 

It will all be repaired as the guy was insured. But annoying as it was getting late. I managed to drive to Alicante airport (Just over 250 km) without losing the wheel arch thingy which is hanging loose as you can see. All a bit stressfull, but we got there.

And (big smile) the airconditioning works fine in my car , but outside it was a bit warm:
It was 43 degrees.

That is all from me today. I wish you all a great weekend,
and.... keep smiling!



Iris Flavia said...

17C right now outside... I´d love 43C.... we had this in Perth.
Oh, my skateboard-days are long over! Cute stamp, though!
OWWW on your oven!
Who is not on strike these days???
"Great" with your car. Been there, too. Someone bumped with full force into my parked one.
Great mural, why not join Sami on Monday with it?
The Hotdog!!!!!
Suits the IKEA-joke! And that fence... you make me want to copy for our neighbor....
My patience-test would be like that...
Have a fun Friday :-)

Annie said...

It's been really hot here but nowhere near as hot as you...thankfully. I'm very glad we have lots of fans to keep us cool.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great art stamps Lisca, you must have a great collection by now. I know I'm late. Started off okay this this morning and then started watching the Olympics and don't know where the time went. So pleased you managed to sort out the business with the car that was a cloae call. Hope you get the oven sorted too. Have a good weekend. Hugs angela xxx

Cloudia said...

Fun post! Thanks for sharing your family fun and challenges with us all. Aloha!

Anonymous said...

Hope you get car and oven fixed despite the heat (don't know how you sleep in those temperatures!). Loved the Finnish washerwomen, and the full range of what Jesus might do!