Friday 9 August 2024

A Postard A Day - Friday 9 August 2024 - Friday Smiles

 Hello lovely ladies, 

It's Friday again and it's time to think about what made us smile in the past week. I have had lots to smile about but first let me show you  a postcard:

It made me smile as it reminded me of the pandemic and how we were not allowed to travel, (in my case, we were not even to leave the village!) and how it made us smile when we eventually were allowed out. It also makes me smile to think how fortunate we are to be able to travel again!

This card came to me from Germany and it has a fun stamp too:
It celebrates 50 years Playmobil.

On one of the philately websites I read:

Playmobil is celebrating a milestone anniversary at the place where it all began. The company launched at Spielwarenmesse in February 1974 with a knight, a Native American, and a construction worker. 

50 years later, the German company has exploded, featuring tons of playsets with different themes beyond those first three figures. More than 3.8 billion Playmobil figures have been produced in that time.

Throughout 2024, Playmobil will be celebrating its anniversary through the Join the Party campaign, which will feature special anniversary editions, offers for adults, new collaborations, and more.

One of the special editions is the exclusive golden knight. At 7.5 cm tall and with a friendly smile: The knight was one of the first PLAYMOBIL figures in 1974.
I remember my son playing with Playmobil when he was young. Lego had changed from simple building blocks to huge castles and ships and space craft to construct, which was more done by the daddies than the children. So in the seventies we bought Playmobil figures. Did you play with Playmobil?

What have I been up to? Well, I have done a crazy thng! I bought a very old 'banger' (car). My son recommended I get an old Fiat Panda as they are cheap to run and very easy and cheap to repair. Ideal to use in the countryside. Many people have one (or want one) so they are not cheap to buy secondhand. 
But I found one and here it is. This Panda is 42 years old! And still going strong and being used every day. I'm having trouble insuring it as my insurance company doesn't list it (it's too old). It's not urgent as I won't be driving it on the public road, but it would be nice if I could just drive to the petrol station in stead of having to use canisters.

Another thing that made me smile this week was this:
I had taken my car in to be assessed, so I was on foot in our nearby town of Baza. I am used to seeing sheep but not in town, so it really made me smile when I heard the bells.
They came out of a side track behind the trees and 500 m down the road they turned off again.
I also might to add that it was early, just after 8 in the morning, so there was hardly any traffic.

Here in my village we have a week of fiesta. Every year from 7 until 11 August there is an extensive program of entertainment, sports activities and cultural things. There is a fun fair and lots of stalls selling food and drink. People come from far and beyond, especially people who have an association with the village (grew up here, went to school here or grandma still lives here), People get together with relatives and old friends. 

There are concerts and all sorts of things.
A concert by a singer I really like.
Or a competition to decorate one's house.

And all this in the blistering heat:
I'm staying in as much as possible and I only go out first thing in the morning or late at night (when life kicks off). Problem with that is that I find it difficult to sleep in the afternoon (the Spanish siesta), so come midnight, when life gets interesting in the village, I want to go to bed...

Those were my smiles this week. I will give you some funnies to (hopefully) smile at right at the end.

Have a lovely weekend,
Keep smiling!

Broc Lee:


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I remember sitting on my front porch and being on the internet a lot during the pandemic. Not much has changed for me unfortunately. I still worry about covid.

I have never heard of Playmobile. It was fascinating to read about. Seems I may have missed it, since I had no children.

Wow. That old car is amazing. Too bad it is so hard to insure. It looks like you will still enjoy driving it.

What a lot of sheep. Something you would NEVER see in my town. In fact, we don't really have any sheep farms that I know of in my state, either.

Your town has a lot of fiestas and celebrations. Seems like one ends and the next one begins! Any chance to have a celebration, I guess.

It was 40 C (104 F) several days in a row here. Humid, too. I feel your pain because I have AC.

Loved the statistics and the golf clubs. Really LOVED the towels and the kid with the screw driver Have a fun and enjoyable Friday and great weekend, dear Lisca.

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, the pandemic. It made us work from home and the company gave me all the gear for free.
And... I write for Tuesday every day nad refered to Playmobil without knowing it´s their 50´s anniversary!
We even have Henry The Lion as this... but as kid I had none - post to come on this, maybe tomorrow, thank you for the idea!

Cool car. And I love sheep. So cute. Enjoy the festival, sounds great.
Blistering heat... 18C here...

LOL on the statics. It should add Brother to Sister: 2+ hours and I´m not the one talking ;-)
Nice "trade"... I hope the car is photoshopped!

To a lovely weekend, maybe send some temps over and we´re both happier? If only.... Really, the weather is crazy.

mamapez5 said...

Nice card Lisca and I love the stamps. MY boys had hoards of Playmobile at one time.
Your 'old banger' surprised me. I wonde rwhere you are going to use it. I hope it provides you with lots of fun.
I like to herre the sound of the bells when the goats come into the green zone at the back of our house. (No sheep down here, but lots of goats who are herded around the campo looking for somewhere to forage). Sadly it is very brown and bare this year so I don't ecpect the goat herds will be coming to us much now.
Have a fun week. Kate x

My name is Erika. said...

Congrats on the "new" car. It should be fun to drive. And that flock of sheep is cool. When I visited Greece we saw a few flocks and we always (if we could) stop to watch them. Where I live people have very small flocks and they don't travel any place. And your fiesta week looks fun. I love how everyone seems to be in the spirit of the celebration. Stay cool. hugs-Erika

Annie said...

I hope you enjoy your old looks like fun. I hope all the celebrations go well...the Spanish def like to party. I love Playmobil and still have some the little ones play with.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Lisca, I'm back. It seems that Covid is going round again they have recently found someone in the Olympics that has it. Loving the new car I know from experience that not all insurance companies like to insure old cars as mine is now 52 years old but being a memeber of the MG owners club makes it a bit easier to find one. No idea what Playmobil is. Love to see the sheep the dogs are amazing too. Take care and have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

Valerie-Jael said...

What a fun post today, so much to laugh about! Love the. fiat, too, I always drive a red Fiat, but not a panda! Have fun with it! Happy T Day, Valerie