Friday 16 August 2024

A Postcard A Day - Friday 16 August 2024 - Friday Smiles

 Hello lovely girls,

How are you all? I am well and ready to share all my smiles of this week. But first I would like to show you my first smile: a colourful postcard.

The artist is not mentioned on the postcard which was sent to me from the Netherlands. It was sent by Silvia who writes that they own 5 olive groves near Alicante and are selling their olive oil in the Netherlands.

The stamps are lovely:

The first stamp on the left is what they call a business stamp from 2006. The second from the left is a stamp from a special series about 100 years Dutch patent law. This particular stamp shows LED lights patented by Philips. 

This sheet below shows other Dutch inventions, some of which pre-date patent law. Interesting inventions like a milking robot, an artificial kidney and handwriting recognition for the postal service.

The next stamp shows life in the 1950s in the Netherland:
This stamp shows a lady on a Solex, a moped. I remember them well. My uncle had one.
The last stamp is the Love Balloon Stamp from 2008:
I have no information about this stamp.

Enough about stamps. What have I been up to?

On Friday I went grocery shopping in town and I had a guy check the old car that I have bought.
Did I tell you? I bought an old banger to get from my house to my plot of land. 
It's 42 years old. I think I will keep it off the road, as my insurance can't insure it. It doesn't exist in their system! (But I can use it on my land).

On Saturday (It's still extremely hot so most of the day indoors) In the evening I went to my Spanish conversation group and outside the council building (where we meet) the children had a water and foam fest. Great fun to watch.

Usually after our conversation group we go and have a drink somewhere and chat a bit more. 

On Sunday I went to church in the morning and then I stayed indoors until early evening when I went out to watch the parade. It was Feria week, so fiesta and funfair all week. The parade was really nice.
There were floats
and dance groups
And circus artists
And of course beautiful horses
and riders

I can't remember what I did on Monday or Tuesday only that it is still very hot.
But on Wednesday my friend Kim came and we both had our nails done. 
I chose a subtle decoration with a bit of glitter (which doesn't show up on the photo)
Yesterday, Thursday, I had some ripe bananas to use up so I baked some cakes and froze them. I had also transferred the contents of my freezer to an old freezer I have in the cave. All the drawers are now clean and I transferred the whole lot back again and I also wrote new lists. (I have a list of what is in each drawer so I know before opening the freezer what is where).
In the evening I had a video call with my brother in law in the UK. It is always nice to catch up.

All in all, I had a good week, with lots of smiles. I do hope you had too.

I'm now going to link up with Annie at A Stitch In Time and of course I will put some funnies at the end so don't go away.

Keep smiling!


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi lisca, loving the new postcards, gorgeous and a great collection of stamps too. Looks like another busy week and loving the nails, wish mine looked like that. I have to go now so will pop back later to read the funnies. Hugs Angela xXx

Iris Flavia said...

Great stamps and history! That fest looks like big summer-fun!
And the parade. Oh, if you mind, send some temps over. Not hot enough here for my liking.
Beautifulnails! (mine are hopeless since... 15 years).
Your week sounds good :-)
(Mine was, too)
Some stay an asshole.... remember the pencil-days well.
LOL on the Moron!!!!! I have a similar I just added for you :-)
Good ones, really!

mamapez5 said...

A great and colourful postcard and interesting stamps. You had a good fiesta parade. Although Spain is very traditional so our fiestas etc are exactly the same every year, each region has its own traditions. Your fiesta is very different from ours, but of course you have a much bigger populatin than us too. Hope you have a good week. Kate x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I'm back as promised and your funnies made me smile lots especially the 'fun fact' and the 'growing old' which unfortunately is so true sadly. You asked about Alfie's rest place. He is actually sitting on the arm of the Sofa. No you're right I'm not exactly like the dogs which is just as well as they have some interesting habits! Sending hugs, Angela xXx

LA Paylor said...

great car!!! Unique
loved the funnies.... easter Island, PENCIL (been there done that) "moron"

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

That's a lovely postcard. I like all those buttons. But I really like the stamps, especially the inventions.

I swear, it seems you have a fiesta, parades, and a reason to party every other week or so (grin). Looks like a fun parade.

Your nails are beautiful. I like that subtle look.

LOVED the pencil. Yes, I got it!

I got a :"failed to publish," so not sure when blogger will stop being mad at me!