Tuesday 15 October 2024

A Postcard A Day - Tuesday 15 October 2024 - T for kittens and more kittens and a cake

 Hello lovely ladies, How are you all? I'm feeling a bit better after having spent a week still coughing and spluttering in the aftermath of a nasty flu. I'm still not right but I'm just ignoring that and carrying on regardless. (I'm still coughing)

Let me show you my postcard for today:

It comes to me from Finland. The title of the photo is: Cleaning fish, Suursaari 1930s.

I had to google Suursari as I had never heard of it. 

Suursaari is the Finnish name for the island of Gogland, (or Hogland in Swedish). Wikipedia writes:
Gogland is an island in the Gulf of Finland in the eastern Baltic Sea, about 180 km west from Saint Petersburg and 35 km from the coast of Finland (near Kotka). Hogland has an area of approximately 21 km2 (8.1 sq mi); its highest point is 173 m (568 ft). It belongs to Russia's Kingiseppsky District in the Leningrad Oblast.

I tried to draw an arrow indicating where the island is and it took me half an hour! (I'm not that computer savvy), but you get the gist.

Wikipedia also writes:
Gogland's tourist industry was growing in importance, with most tourists coming from St. Petersburg, and some from Finland. In 2006, however, Russian authorities declared Gogland a "border area", which means that foreign nationals are not allowed to travel to the island without special permits. This limits tourism from abroad to small groups, admitted one at a time, and adds extensive bureaucracy to applications for permission to visit the island.

The stamp is really nice:

Designed by Illustrator Emmi-Riikka Vartiainen. The stamp is one of a set of two.

The stamps feature two goddesses mentioned in Kalevala poems, among other works. On the shape-cut stamps, Päivätär and Kuutar spin gold and silver thread from the rays of the sun and moon, from which gold and silver clothes are woven.

Its companion looks like this:

So what is happening here in Spain? I have not been that active but I continue to do archery, which I started two weeks ago. Here I am having a go:
I really like it.

Over the weekend I had two 'gatherings'. One of them on Sunday afternoon was a social for the Intercambio group. One of the ladies hosted a BBQ at her house. The weather was lovely and I was asked to make dessert. I made a cherry yoghurt cake:
It turned out well, but it could have been a bit sweeter, I thought. Oh well, next time...

Since Thursday I have a kitten! I'm calling her Frankie as she has blue eyes (Frank Sinatra was called Ole Blue Eyes):

She's into everything and at the moment she is on my legs behind the laptop. (So I can't see her but she is clawing at my jeans)

Today is T for Tuesday hosted by Elizabeth and Bluebeard so I need a drink. The other day someone gave me an aubergine (egg plant in America). They are nice in ratatouille but  I get one given to me often as everyone grows them. So this time I air fried them in slices and then drizzled Miel de Caña (it's like honey) over it. Yummy!
My glass is visible, but still empty. So this time it's a drink reference in stead of a drink.

Oh here is some coffee:

Thats it from me today. 

Happy T-Day!




Mae Travels said...

I hope you get over the flu quickly and totally! Little Frankie is very cute and I look forward to lots more photos.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

My name is Erika. said...

Glad to hear your starting to improve Lisca, and I hope you're back to 100%quickly. That archery looks fascinating. And fun. I enjoyed reading about your postcard too. It's too bad the island isn't still part of Finland. But perhaps it was always part of Russian, seeing Russian used to have control of Finland. Give Frankie a pat for me, and have not only a wonderful T day but week ahead LIsca. hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia said...

I like your attitude - keeping on going. FIL taught me that, too.
Tough the people did in Suursaari - I will not complain about my job (I still have one!) today!!
A beautiful stamp.
Oh, yay. With my arm I´m a fail - the wolf sure helps, I guess! 3C here, heating off, ack.
Frankie is very cute. My last Aubergine was... 2008? I should try again!
Happy T.... coffee- day!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I hope you are feeling better soon. I can empathize.

That's quite an unusual postcard. I enjoyed learning about Suursaari. I am geography illiterate, I fear. The stamps are precious. I really like them.

So good to see Frankie again. She is not at all camera shy. My two hide when I bring out the camera!

So glad you are enjoying archery. I have no grip. I tried it once. You have to be able to grip the bow and the string that holds the arrow. Looks like a fun place, too.

What a lovely yogurt cake. I grew eggplants one year and had so many, I ended up giving most away. Yours looks yummy. And it's OK to have an empty glass. I had an empty mug for my "ticket" to T this week.

Thanks for sharing the postcard, archery, Frankie, your cake, eggplants, and glass with us for T this Tuesday, dear Lisca.

Let's Art Journal said...

Those postage stamps from Finland are so beautiful and little Frankie is super adorable 😊. Glad your enjoying your archery and I'd happily eat that fruity yoghurt cake! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x