Friday 14 June 2024

Av Postcard A Day - Friday 14 June 2024 - Friday smiles

 Hello lovely girls,

Another opportunity to think back on all the smiles of this week. I'm in Italy, which I will tell you all about but first my postcard for today:
It's another maxi card from Aland. I wrote about maxi cards (and Aland) on Tuesday. This card, as well as the stamp were designed by Kjell Eckström.

The card features the veranda of a particular house in Eckerö. Here a real photo of it:
I've been told that it is the custom to paint the veranda in a different colour to the house.
And this is a photo I found on the Internet. It comes from Gullan Fagerströms' photo album:
Quite pretty I think.

The stamps are really beautiful:
Aland is an autonomous region and as such has their own stamps. 

So, Let me tell you about my smiles this week: I have traveled from the Netherlands to Italy. I went from Rotterdam to Utrecht (also in the Netherlands), from there on a fast train to Basel in Switzerland.
As you can see it was a fast train indeed. Trains nowadays are modern and comfortable. 
At Basel I had a little mishap. I got off at the wrong station. Apparently Basel has two stations BB and SBB. I got off at BB and needed to be at SBB, so I had to get a city bus (Which one? Where do I buy tickets) Anyway, I got to the station and had missed my connection to get to Bellinzona. I went to the information office and a kind gentleman planned a different route for me so I could get to Milan in time for my night train. He said, go to platform 10 as your train is about to leave. I must have looked a bit sheepish as he called: Run!! I did and I got there just in time.

Everything went to plan from there. I caught my night train, where I had booked a bed (couchette). I shared with two women and a 10 yr old girl. 

My son who is on night shift, was able to leave work early and he came to collect me at the station at 4:30 in the morning. 

I had bought some Dutch shirts for my son and grandson and they gladly posed on the terrace. Big smile there! (the shirts are for the European championship football/soccer).
Yes, my grandson has long hair. He has always had long hair (his choice). My DIL cooked a nice pasta dish. The view from the terrace is spectacular. (More smiles)

The village where my son lives is medieval and is still as I remember it from the time I lived there in the 70s and 80s.
It's called Guardiagrele and my son lives in the old centre (but in a more modern house).

The main street leading up to the square they call Il Piano:

There is also a medieval tower on the square and a children's play area.

I will probably post more photos later.

In the meantime enjoy your weekend, and keep smiling!



Iris Flavia said...

Interesting card - and stamps! I overdid it with training and have sore muscles...
Trains really are fast.... now magine they are automatic, which is th eplan. Scary, I think.

Oh, BOY! Run! is never good, but nice you got help and all went fine!

Orange ;-)
I remeber an American Football game here in Braunschweig with Orange. No security needed, it was FUN (I don´t recall who "won" and it never mattered, we had... fun!).

My friend´s son has hair as long as that, too. He is only 14 but already over 1,75m!

I love reverse graffiti!
North??? South... I can drive Ingo nuts, too.
Sad heaven-one, but true. Socks... my 58-y-o-single neighbor.
Cheers, have fun in Italy.

mamapez5 said...

I like the pictures of the house. It looks very interesting.
That was quite a journey to undertake on your own. A shame about the mistake, but at least you made it to your night train.
My grandson had long hair all through his early days too. He cut it during secondary school but it is very long and curly again now. I like that that they choose to be individual and not follow the crowd.But in the heat of Italy I would have to have it tied back!
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Kate x

Annie said...

It sounds like you are enjoying your travels. It's so lovely to spend time with your family...enjoy every minute.
Annie x

My name is Erika. said...

Glad you were able to finally get the right train. It's always a little stressful when things end up off schedule when relying on transportation other than your own car or feet. And it's great to see your son, grandson and a bit of Italy. I hope you share more for T day. hugs-Erika

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Lisca, thanks for your kind words over at mine. The dogs have been back again this week as hubby was only away for one night this week but will be back in kennels next week and I might get some more big jobs done. If you saw them at the moment you would think they wouldn't be a problem getting jobs done as they are just back from their walk and sleeping but if I move they will be off the sofa and ready to go again. Once Des has finished his school visits we will visit the crematorium and hopefully go for a walk at the park too. Loving the little house on the postcard, I could live there and brilliant stamps too. You are very lucky they are a lovely family you have. Sending hugs Angela xXx