Tuesday 11 June 2024

A Postcard A Day - Tuesday 11 June 2024 - T for churches and ducklings

 Hello my lovelies,

Here we are again on a Tuesday, ready to join the T-Party hosted by Elizabeth and Bluebeard. I'm still on my travels. I’ve just arrived at my son’s house in Italy after being on the train nearly 24 hours. So I’m keeping this short. ( I might add a few photos later on when I’ve had some sleep).

Let me show you my postcard for today:

This postcard is a so-called Maxi card. What are Maxicards? These maximum cards, as they are often known, are postcards that feature an image (a monument, animal, event, etc) along with a stamp of a very similar or related image on the picture side of the card. There are actually thousands of them in circulation today, as they are regularly issued by the Post Offices themselves – with collectors paying big bucks for originals.  In 1978, the International Federation of Philately (FIP) officially recognized maximaphily as a branch of philately, basically saying that Maxicards are legitimate.

This maxi card comes from The Åland Islands, or Åland. It is an autonomous region of Finland.

 Comprising around 6,700 islands, this Swedish-speaking archipelago is in the Baltic Sea. The capital, Mariehamn, on the main island of Fasta Åland, is known for its beaches and streets lined with 19th-century wooden townhouses, handicraft shops and cafes. Västerhamn, the town's western port, links Åland with Estonia, Sweden and mainland Finland. ― Google

The card shows the church of Mariehamn:

The town of Mariehamn was founded in 1861. At that time there were no churches in the new town. Its inhabitants were instead a part of the Jomala Congregation. Mariehamn Congregation was established in 1905 and church services initially took place in temporary venues. The construction of a church began in 1926 after donations had been made for its construction. It was completed a year later in 1927. It is the work of the well-known architect Lars Sonck. The church was dedicated to Saint George in 1978. The church is today a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.

As Aland is autonomous, interestingly, they have their own stamps. These are very cute with the duckies.

The card was sent to me by Hannele, who tells me she was married in this church in 1970.

Now before I go, I need a drink to qualify for the T-Party:

One of my little wine ‘boxes’. (In the rain).

Some time later.... I have arrived in Italy at my son's house in the Maiella National Park. I arrived at 4 a.m. this morning nf after a shower and a few hours sleep, I feel human again. 

My last day in Rotterdam was special as it was my friend's birthday. She had people over in the afternoon/evening but we walked the dog and had lunch somewhere. 
This place is called De Burgemeester (the mayor) and it was nice enough to sit outside (with coats of course). They had an extensive beer card so I ordered something I didn't know. A stout:
It was called 'Koudvuur' (Cold Fire).

It's a smoked Porter. It reads: "This award winning smoked porter had been with us from the beginning, and it's nbot hard to imagine why. The delicate blend of beechwood smoked barley, roasted malts and creamy oats gives you rich notes of coffee and chocolste, topped with a subtle smokey edge. A great beer to slowly discover or to share with friends."

Monday morning I waited by the bus stop to go to the train station and it was raining cats and dogs:

More warmer here in Italy. More about that on Tuesday.

That’s all folks.

Wishing you all a happy T-Day,


Mae Travels said...

Your train trip sounds gruelling! Have fun in Italy.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

CJ Kennedy said...

Interesting about the Maxi card. The duckie stamp is adorable. I hope the weather improves and you get some rest. Looking forward to hearing about your travels. Happy T Day

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry to be so late visiting. Both my arthritis and my lupus flared up last night.

I'd never heard of Maxi cards, but that is lovely. I like the church. Here in the states, we have first day issue of cards that have the matching stamp attached. The duck stamps are adorable.

Nice photo of you in the rain with your wine box. Glad you made it to your son's home in Italy.

I was surprised the stout was a porter. To me, a stout is a stout! The ONLY beer I will actually drink.

Sorry you were caught in so much rain. Glad you are now in warm Italy. Thanks for sharing this leg of the trip with us and thanks for all the wonderful drinks you shared for T this Tuesday, dear Lisca.