Tuesday 18 June 2024

A Postcard A Day - Tuesday 18 June 2024 - T for Pyramids, Beach and three Kings

 Hello lovely peeps,

Another Tuesday, another T-Party hosted by Elizabeth and Bluebeard.

Let me show you my postcard for today:

It comes from Mexico and it was bought for me by my friend Maggie, who was there. She also bought the stamp but couldn't find a postbox to send it, so it ended up in her suitcase and I received it in an envelope with an English stamp on it.

Monte Albán is one of the most important archaeological zones in Mesoamerica. 

An ancient Zapotec metropolis, the site was founded in the sixth century BCE overlooking the city of Oaxaca and functioned as their capital between 500 BCE and 800 CE. Its impressive architectural remains—including terraces, pyramids, and canals—extend over some four square miles (6.5 square kilometers), including structures built around the Great Plaza, the north and south ends of which are anchored by massive platform mounds. As the Zapotec culture declined in the fourteenth century, areas of Monte Albán were occupied by Mixtec peoples.
Panoramic showing a section of the North Platform in the foreground.

It all looks very interesting and enormous, I think. I'm thinking that we in Europe were running around like Fred Flintstone when they were building these amazing cities.

The stamp is a Christmas stamp showing a work of art with the three kings visiting the Christchild:

So what have I been up to? I'm still in Italy. I'm staying at my son's house. My room is top left, with the blinds shut.

(See also last Friday's blog). We went to the beach on Saturday. The first beach day of the summer. Schools have broken up and the season begins.

Below we are walking from the car park to the beach:
We had gotten up early to avoid most of the heat. The beach was recently 'raked' and we saw the shape of a heart. So sweet:

Our parasol was in the first row after the large palm frond ones.

My grandson had a new 'inner tube' to play with and I had a new swimsuit. I like it very much, it has little black shorts underneath and the top bit has a little skirt. Perfect to hide my protruding tummy.

They had made a sort of laguna with the stones. Very safe for small children:

There is a life guard. And below is his rescue catamaran:

At some point we went to the bar to have a coffee:

In Italy the espresso is very strong and very small. (Blink and you miss it!) It's one small gulp really, followed by a small glass of water.
This will be my ticket to the T-Party hosted by Elizabeth and Bluebeard. 

I'm going to leave it at that for today.
Happy T-Day all!



My name is Erika. said...

I would love to visit Mexico and those ancient ruins in that country. One day maybe. And I found that photo of the beach with all those tables quite interesting. Do people bring their own chairs and umbrellas. That's how it is here, but it would be very nice not to have to carry them. I enjoyed your photos today, and I hope you enjoy your time in Italy. Happy T day. hugs-Erika

LA Paylor said...

LOVE your suit and the day looked fabulous... happy summer Lisca

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am SO very sorry about last Friday. I truly intended to visit sooner, but I was in so much pain, the only thing I did was use the toilet and sleep. I was able to keep the pain at a minimum when I slept. I DID see your Friday post, at least.

Your postcard is beautiful. I learned about Oaxaca when I was in collage. A great postcard.

Looks like you had a lot of fun at the beach. LOVED the heart and your bathing suit, too.

For your coffee and water, served on a Pepsi tray, I was amazed and thought the photo might have been taken in the states, not Italy. Thanks for sharing more of your trip, your time at the beach, and your coffee and water with us for T this Tuesday, dear Lisca.

Valerie-Jael said...

What an interesting place, they really had a highly developed culture when people here were living in caves. The beach looks lovely. Great swimsuit, I have a similar one but with knee-length pants, much better for oldies than the short and skimpy costumes we used to wear. Happy T Day, enjoy Italy, hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said...

European civilization in 500 BCE wasn’t that backwards: the Greeks had city-states (Athens, Corinth), literature, highly developed architecture, and many other achievements. This was definitely European!
Your visit to your family in Italy sounds great, I hope you continue to enjoy it.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

CJ Kennedy said...

The beach looks beautiful and your bathing suit is very cute. You and your grandson look like you had a lot of fun and making memories. Happy T Day

Spyder said...

Every one has some amazing pictures this week. I'm really missing not having a holiday but not wanting to go anywhere o nmy own- I'd just get lost! Luckily there's beaches not more that a few miles from me, so I could pretend! Nit home at he moment, as house sitting, two dogs and a cat, so its kinda being on Holiday! Happy very late T for Tuesday ((Lyn))