Friday 5 January 2024

A Postcard A Day - Friday 5 January 2024 - Friday Smiles

 Hello lovely peeps,

Happy New Year to all of you. May it be a better year than last year in every aspect.

I'm fullk of plans for the new year. Not resolutions, but things I'd like to do and achieve, like traveling. We'll see what comes of it, but I'm optimistic. 

I have a postcard for you. My last festive postcard:

It comes to me from Finland where a group of postcrossers were having a meet-up in Himanka. They all signed it and wished me Happy Christmas.

There are two stamps on it:

The right one is a lovely stamp from the series of snow and ice art:
And the left hand stamp is from Aland (Pronounced Oh-land). Aland is an archipel of islands in the Baltic Sea:
They belong to Finland although they are Swedish speaking. (Finnish and Swedish are totally different languages). 
When I googled Aland I got this:
The Åland Islands, or Åland, is an autonomous region of Finland. Comprising around 6,700 islands, this Swedish-speaking archipelago is in the Baltic Sea. The capital, Mariehamn, on the main island of Fasta Åland, is known for its beaches and streets lined with 19th-century wooden townhouses, handicraft shops and cafes. Västerhamn, the town's western port, links Åland with Estonia, Sweden and mainland Finland.

Here is Spain, at my house, peace and quiet has returned. My visitors have gone and I'm slowly getting things back to normal. Decorations will come down on Sunday (after the 6th of January, so I'll do it Sunday) and the guest room is tidied and cleaned. 

My friend David celebrated his birthday on the 30th of December and I met all my friends at his party:

We celebrated New Year's Eve with my guests. They cooked noodles as that stands for longevity.


And I prepared my beetroot potato salad:

The children were fast asleep come twelve o'clock so they were alowed to light their 'sparkles' the next day:

Enough about me and my friends. I'll wrap this up and find you some funnies to add at the end.

I hope you will join me at Annie's at A Stitch In Time. See you there!

Once again wishing you a very peaceful and healthy 2024,


My name is Erika. said...

I hope your 2024 is everything you'd like it to be Lisca. Traveling is never a bad goal for certain. (I have some travel in my near future too. :) ) My grandfather came from that Swedish speaking part of Finland. He also spoke Finnish, and so I'm actually familiar with something you shared today. That's not usual. Have a great first weekend of 2024. hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia said...

You are always so optimistic! I admire you.
What a wonderful postcard and that they all signed.
And a great meals to start 2024.
Wow on the tree-tree. Biscuits. Love the Irish Toast, to a lovely weekend, hugs

mamapez5 said...

I love the postcard and its stamps. You have some great ideas to takeyou into the new year.
Your beetroot potato salad is fun. What a good idea.
It is always nice to have riends to share these special occasions with.
My decotations will come down on Sunday too. It always make the house look a bit bare but itwill be good to have a proper clean and tidy up. Happy Three Kings day for tomorrow. Kate x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Lisca, sorry I'm so late. It's been a busy week for us and I've actually not been quite up to scratch. I started last week with a chesty cough which I thought was getting better. Managed visiting mum on Monday, Des's birthday on Tuesday and organising the funeral Wake but by the end of the week I was just worn out but tried to keep going and by the afternoon today I just couldn't stay awake but I'm here now and wanted to wish you a very Happy New Year. The postcard is beautiful as are the gorgeous stamps. Pleased you had a good time at the party and loving the funnies too. Take care and wishing you a very Happy New Year. Hugs, Angela xxx

Anonymous said...

You have a sweet group of friends. Noodles are for longevity huh? I love noodles! Laughing at the funnies. Happy new year to you Lisca

Anonymous said...

Love your New Year beetroot salad! Loved the funnies - and the log surviving a rotten year 🧡 Keren x