Friday 24 November 2023

A PostcardA Day - Friday 24 November 2023 - Friday Smiles

 Hello lovely ladies,

I apologise for not adding the funnies at the end of my blog post last week. I completelty forgot. I had them ready, but somehow forgot. Very worrying. Is this the start of dementia? I hope not and will try not to forget again.

As per usual I will start with a postcard:

It was sent to me from Milwaukee, USA. It celebrates World Postcard Day which happens to be on the first of October. 

The back of the card has a lovely orange gerbera flower stamp and some stickers:

It was sent by Joan, who tells me that she has visited the Netherlands when her daughter went there for a baton twirling competition. Her team came first.

Today I'm joining Annie again at A Stitch In Time, where it is all about the things that made us smile this week. 
Let me tell you about my week. And what things made me smile. Friday I was very excited as I went to pick up my new spectacles. They really are a bit more turquoise:
You will see a picture of me wearing them a bit further down. I really like them and how I look.

On Saturday I went to a birthday party. My friend's daughter was three years old. I put photos on my Tuesday blog. Here is just one photo of some children riding the donkey. (The family have two donkeys).
You can tell by the long shadows that it was towards the evening. The children were tired and so they decided to give them all a donkey ride before going home.

On Sunday I went to church and as the weather was lovely I also went for a walk after dinner. I saw prickly pears along the road:

It is so lovely to see them thriving again after a pest killed 90% of all prickly pears in our area.
This is what most of them looked like a few years ago:
The photo is from the internet. That same website writes the following about the pest:
The Cochinilla del Carmin is a well-established pest in the hotter areas of the Spanish coastline, slowly destroying the emblematic prickly pears which form part of the traditional Spanish landscape. These were cultivated for food, acted as hedges and also had important medicinal applications, and their presence is a sure sign of human habitation, many country fincas surrounded by great banks of prickly pear.

On Monday I didn't go to Pilates because my car was being repaired. Nothing serious. One of my rear parking cameras had become dislodged, and wasn't working. It resulted in a lot of annoying beeps each time I reversed and of course no view. One of my friends had established (by lying on the ground) that the camera was actually still there but it was dangling behind the bumper. Anyway, that is now repaired. Great. Big smile. No more unnecessary beeps. It was driving me mad.

On Tuesday Kim and Andy came to lunch. And we had several errands to run too, so they picked me up from the gym and we did all the things we needed to do. One of the things I needed to do is order a stone for Graham's columbarium (= a niche for his ashes). I have ordered it and Andy has helped with the photo, as I want his photo on it. They told me it would be ready before the 14th of December, which would have been his birthday.

On Wednesday I did go to Pilates, and in the afternoon I sorted out my jewelry box, especially my earrings. There were earrings without the back stud thingy, I matched all the earrings and then cleaned them in one of those ultrasonic cleaners:

Everything is nice and clean now, so another smile.
In the evening my Dutch friend Maaike invited me for a drink, and we had a lovely catch-up.
We asked the waitress to take the picture. We are both smiling as you can see.

This morning (Thursday) I went to the gym again and when I walked back I saw that council workers were erecting Christmas illuminations:
And also the by now familiar pointed Christmas tree:

Ok, that is it from me for today. I will put some funnies at the end, and again, I'm sorry I forgot last week.
Have a lovely weekend,


DVArtist said...

This is a great post. From donkey to reality of men cooking. Too funny. Fabulous photos of you and the card is interesting. Ohhh prickly pear. Very good eating. Especially making jelly from them. Would love to see your face on my FFO. Have a very nice weekend.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the post card and stamps as always but more so the donkeys, I always like to visit them when we go to the Eart coast they are such lovely animals. Looks like another good week and hope the weekend is too. Hugs, Angela xxx

mamapez5 said...

Love the postcard and your new glasses do suit you.
Our chumba hasn't recovered that well, not yet anyway.
We have one of those jewelry cleaners. It does a good job too.
Kate X

Annie said...

Your funnies have really got us both chuckling today so I'm glad you didnt forget them this week.
Annie x

Iris Flavia said...

I never saw prickly pears for real, beautiful.
Nice pic of you and your friend and the glasses really suit you, too!
Christmas-deco already... Well, yes, November is nearly done.

Love the blocks!
And the little "helper".
The names sure are tempting to use.
Sad one with the dog - and true...
Wow on the taxi, have a great weekend, hugs