Tuesday 5 September 2023

A Postcard A Day - Tuesday 5 September 2023 - T for

 Hello lovely ladies, How are you all? Those of you who have seen me on Facebook will know that my mum died on Saturday night. She was 99 years old and died very peacefully in her sleep in her own recliner chair at home. She had been short of breath for a few days and the doctor said she was going into heart failure. I'm glad I got on a flight in time and I could be with her. At a certain point she just stopped breathing. It was very gentle.

It has been a privilege to have had my mum for so long. Of course we are very sad, but 99 is a respectable age.

My sister is here with me and we are sorting out mum's stuff, so I will be here for another week.

Let me show you my postcard. It's not a postcard I have received, but one I have sent today.

It's a typical Dutch scene. Bicycles are everywhere and so is the cheese. From those large yellow round cheeses they cut wedges, which is what we buy in the shop.
I will probably be sending this card to someone somewhere in the world later this week.

So what have I been up to? On Saturday when my mum was quite drowsy and I knew things were not good, my cousin Margit visited, which was wonderful. I needed the distraction. She bought a croquette in a bread roll. Yummie!
Here is also my glass of wine for Elizabeth and Bluebeard's T for Tuesday.

I warned my sister that mum wasn't too good and she got on a flight from England. Unfortunately she was just too late. Only by 20 minutes, but we were together to do all the things that needed to be done. We didn't really have time to get upset. But we are both very sad. Mum has had a good life and has never really been ill, but we will miss her greatly of course.

On Sunday we treated ourselves to dinner at the restaurant opposite mum's.
The weather was lovely so we sat outside.
My sister drinks rosé and I usually white wine.
I had dorado (fish) which was delicious.
And sis had steak salad

We are now sorting out mum's stuff. My sister does the administrative things and I do practical things like returning all her meds to the pharmacy and making sure she is crossed off their system. I've been to the church across the carpark. They hold a 'bazaar' every fortnight and sell all sorts of things for the church coffers. As my sister and I both live abroad, we can't take anything home, so we have a lot of stuff to get rid of. Lots of nice things.We haven't got the time to sell things really. We both need to be going home next week. 

We have planned the funeral/cremation for Friday, which is going to be a very intimate affair with probably not more than 12 people. (We have a small family)
Here are two recent photos of my mum.

In the mean time my sister and I are having quality time together. We try to enjoy our time together and look forward to seeing family members that we rarely see. We'll try and make it a 'happy' occasion. My mum would have wanted that.
Bye bye mum.

Happy T-Day,


kathyinozarks said...

Hi Lisca, I am so sorry about your Mum, but good you were able to be with her and to have your sister there too. my sympathies and hugs from the lake Kathy

Iris Flavia said...

This is a heavy post. I am so sorry, yet you are right, 99 years with rarely being sick is good.
It brings back sad memories to me. I missed Dad also for about 20 minutes. He wanted to be home, I went to buy things for him and he was gone. He was 65. And Mum, she was 72, I could not eat for days (it was winter, the hospital far away and Bro said she does not sense anyone anymore, so not risk my life to drive to her). When Bro called... I got so darn hungry.
Death/losing a parent is a strange thing.
Glad we have siblings to help us through.
On Mum´s funeral there was lots of laughter, good memories of her.
Big hugs from here, and strength for the funeral.

Mae Travels said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, dear Lisca. it doesn't matter how old our loved ones are, losing them is a very hard thing, and I feel very sad for you.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

nwilliams6 said...

Writing this through tears, sweet Lisca. Sad for you and sad for me - I feel a little of your pain remembering the loss of my sweet mother. Moms are the best and is so awful to lose them. Glad you are trying to keep it cheerful. My mom always said we should cry at births and rejoice at funerals (combination of bible verses). You are so lucky to have had her so long and that she was so healthy until the end and died peacefully - something we all dream of. Wish I could give you a hug in person but you will just have to imagine it.

Lovely looking food and drinks. Stay safe and wishing you energy for all you are doing too.

J said...

Hi Lisca, so sad to hear the news about your Mum, as you say she had a good like and it's good that you arrived in time and that you have time with your sister too,, brings back memories of losing my Mum,
We see the Dutch people here in the winter on those big bikes, we always say, they must be Dutch haha.
Have a safe trip home., sending hugs
Jan x

Valerie-Jael said...

I'm glad you wedre able to be with your mum at the end, and that she was able to sleep in her own chair. She had a long life, but of course, you will still miss her. Love the photos of the shop with the cheeses, yummy! I used to have a Holland bike, I loved it, but I can't ride any more.. Glad your sister is with you, enjoy the time together. Hugs, Valerie

My name is Erika. said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom Lisca. You are right about 99 being respectable. I felt similar when my Mom died last fall at 93. Not that it isn't sad. Too bad your sister just missed saying goodbye. I hope all your clean up goes smoothly, and you and your sister both have some nice time together. Happy T day. hugs-Erika

DVArtist said...

Lisca, I am so sorry about your Mum. She was so beautiful and you look so much like her. I'm also glad your sister was with you. I don't care how old one is, when our Mothers go it is a hard time. Love and hugs to you my friend.

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I'm glad you and your sister have a plan and a system that's working. It can be so hard to take care of those issues. Thank you for taking the time to share ... We can keep you in our hearts during this difficult time.

Kate Yetter said...

Love your postcard of such a pretty scene.
I am sorry to hear about your Mum. I love that you are using the time as a celebration of life and to make memories with those that are near.