Tuesday 19 September 2023

A Postcard a day - Tuesday 19 September 2023 - T for Lions and a river

 Hello lovely ladies,

I'm home (in Spain) again! My friend Ineke drove me in her campervan. We took 4 days to get to Spain! That is a record! I am emotionally drained and physically exhausted but it's good to be home. I now have 10 days to sort myself out before I travel to the UK for a spiritual retreat (Boy, do I need that!) and a visit to all the kids and grandkids. My friend Ineke is staying until Friday, then she will go to Portugal to play bridge, which she does every year. 

Today I went to the post office to empty my postbox. As expected there were many postcards. I have chosen one for today:

I got this card from someone called Michael who is a geography teacher in the Ruhrgebiet in Germany. The translation on the card goes: "I am not perfect, but I'm so close that it scares me sometimes."
Of course I thought of Iris. Here is a Henry for you, Iris! He is almost perfect!

The stamp is the german Postcrossing stamp:

I think it is such fun to have a Postcrossing stamp. I wish the Spanish post office would issue one....

So what have been up to? In Rotterdam, my sister and i have been clearing out mum's things. We can take very little with us, so everything had to go. We gave to church bazaars and charities and other people.
There is a supermarket downstairs, so we just borrowed a shopping trolley and used that to transport 'stuff' around.

Every evening my sister and I went for a much needed walk in the fresh air. One day we went to the river Rotte (Rotterdam was named after this river).
This is a foot bridge (also for bicycles). It is slightly over exposed, but I'm there.

Then my friend and I left in the campervan for Spain. We took several days to travel and didn’t take any photos.
So this is it for today. My friend leaves on Friday but on Saturday my friends from Brazil will be staying for a couple of nights, so I have nice things to look forward to.

Happy T-Day all,


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm sure you are glad to be home, Lisca. But it sounds like you are really not alone and won't be for many weeks to come. LOVE that postcard. It is fun and has a great saying. Thanks for sharing your postcard, the stamp, and your time in Rotterdam taking card of your mother's affairs with us for T this Tuesday.

My name is Erika. said...

I thought that postcard maybe had come from Iris. I bet she will love it. And it sounds like you've been busy. Was it tough to clean out your Mom's things? It also sounds like you had a nice drive back to Spain and have a lot of fun things planned. Have fun, enjoy your company, and get a bit of rest too Lisca. And of course, have a happy T day. hugs-Erika

Kate Yetter said...

I can imagine it must have been difficult to get rid of so many of your Mum's things.
A spiritual retreat sounds great. I hope that you feel refreshed afterwards and enjoy your time with family.
Happy Tea Day,

Mae Travels said...

That sounds like a very long ride. From the map it looks to me like maybe 2500 km — is that right? How far did you drive each day? When we drive cross-country, we usually drive around 9 hours a day, but some people do more than that. From our town to California it’s around 3700 km, and also takes around 4 days, so maybe the roads are faster here.
It’s good to hear that you are back home even if only for a short time.

best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

DVArtist said...

You look beautiful. Glad you are home. I am envious of you seeing your kids and grandkids. YOu will have so much fun.

Iris Flavia said...

Lisca, thank you, Henry feels honored! :-)
Great pics of you, too and good times to look forward to!
Have a happy T-Day, hugs

Empire of the Cat said...

Good to be home again I'm sure, hopefully you will get some time to rest before heading off again. Happy T Day! Elle xx

Valerie-Jael said...

Glad you are safely back home, have a rest! Hugs, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said...

It's always so good to get home after traveling. Lovely picture of you. Rest well before you next adventure. Happy T Day