Friday 6 September 2024

A Postcard A Day - Friday 6 September 2024 - Friday Smiles

 Hello lovely peeps, 

Here I am at the end of another week. I am going to show you a postcard that arrived recently and I would like to tell you about my week and then at the end I'll post some Internet funnies I have collected along the way. But first my postcard:

Of course these are the funny 'Aunties' created by Finnish Inge Löök. I love these characters and I have several in the series. This particular one is number 83 and shows the tree-hugging aunties having a picnic under a cherry blossom tree. Perhaps they are in a Japanese garden as I spot a bridge and a lantern. They have brought lots of rugs, cushions, and yummy things to eat and drink . Aren't they fun!

The card was sent to me by Marion from Germany, who tells me she will be having a holiday in September at Lake Garda. (That is now!) I hope you have a fabulous holiday Marion!

What have I been up to this past week? Nothing much as I still don't have my car back from the repair place.

On Saturday evening, after the Intercambio meeting, we went out for a drink and as per usual, and soon had several people round the table:
(I am standing up, second from the right).

On Sunday I went to church and had to ask someone to come and collect me, as the church meets in the nearby town of Baza, which really isn't within walking distance. That was no problem of course. One of the youngsters had a birthday, and we had a cake after the service:
Yes, he was 18 that day and is going to university this week. I remember him as a toddler. How time flies.

I regularly go out in my little Panda car to water the fruit trees on my plot.

That is all I can show you as the rest of the week I stayed in, pottered about, read a lot, watched tv. I watch Celebrity Race Across The World, and I also enjoyed the first part of a three part documentary about President Zelensky. What a guy! I also like watching Who Do You Think You Are which is tonight (Thursday, at least in the UK it is).

I will leave you now with some funnies I found on the Internet and I will link up with Annie at A Stitch In Time.
Have a great weekend and
Keep Smiling!



mamapez5 said...

They are keeping you waiting for your car aren't they. You only realise how much you use it when you can't! But at least you had friends to call on when you neededa lift.
I often see teenagers wandering around the village and realise they were in their push-chairs when I first saw them1
I love the post card. The Aunties are such fun and this is very colourful.
I hope your fruit trees survuvefor another year. Kate x

Iris Flavia said...

Fun card! And even more fun gathering with your friends!!!
Yes. Time flies, sadly...
The Muppets... Like The Simpsons! Always prdicting correctly...
The wine :-)
Oh, boy. When I lost my job Ingo came around the corner with new craft supplies. my Brother, thought I lose my mind with the job-loss...
And yes. I have soooo many unread book here.
Glad I let the spider(s) live!!!
Have a great Friday!

My name is Erika. said...

I love that you're diving your car Lisca. What kind of fruit trees are you growing?

Annie said...

I always love the Aunties cards. If you are meant to be hiding behind that tree to have a wee I think I had best let you know I can see you :-) :-) Your funnies really made me chuckle.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Lisca, the Aunties just make me smile. I love the colours and the detail is gorgeous but the dog funny is just us all over. We know the names of all the dogs we meet in the park and about two people Hee! Hee! Have a great week. Hugs Angela xXx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Those Aunties are so adorable. Love every time you share a postcard of them.

It's good to get friends together and be within walking distance of your home. I hope you get your car fixed soon.

I may not have made myself clear when I spoke about the political parties. Registered parties in Kansas are Democratic, Libertarian, No Labels, and Republican. In other states, there are also third parties that include the Constitution, Green, and Alliance. These last three do not register in KS, but may have candidates in other states. For example, if you are a registered Libertarian and there are no same party challengers, you can't vote until the general election, at which time you can vote for ANY party on the ballot.