Monday 21 September 2015

A Postcard a Day - Monday 21 September 2015 Indonesia

Good Morning! Good Monday! 

Today is MapMonday.
I love postcards with maps on them (I love maps full stop!).

This is a card I received from Andrea in Indonesia.
It seems to me the colored parts could be provinces. Anyway, it is very pretty.

Andrea is an anesthetist and works in the public hospital of Pare in Java. She is 36 years old and has two small daughters. (I have always known Andrea to be a boy's name in Italy but in England it is used as a girls' name and apparently in Indonesia too.)

The stamps are all stuck on top of each other because of the lack of space.
 They look like they represent the Indonesian postal system.

There you have it, my postcard for today. Tomorrow I'll be back and link up with 'T for Tuesday'.



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