Friday 5 July 2024

A Postcard A Day - Friday 5 July 2024 - Friday Smiles

 Hello lovely ladies,

How are you all? I have very little to report other than that I have kept a low profile because I was so tired after coming back from my traveling. But I do have a postcard:

It was sent to me by my friend Keren when she was staying in the Lake District earlier in the year. The postcard depicts the cover of the book which shows a montage of Arthur Ransome's own illustrations from the book. 

Wikipedia writes: We Didn't Mean to Go to Sea is the seventh book in Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series of children's books. It was published in 1937. In this book, the Swallows (John, Susan, Titty and Roger Walker) are the only recurring characters. They are staying with their Mother and baby sister Bridget in a new location, Pin Mill on the River Orwell upstream from the ports of Felixstowe and Harwich and are in Suffolk to meet their Father, Navy Commander Ted Walker who is returning overland from a posting in Hong Kong (then a British possession) to take up a new posting at Shotley
Ransome sailed his own boat, the Nancy Blackett, across to Flushing by the same route as part of his research for the book. The navigational detail and the geography are both correct for the period when the story is set, unlike other books in the series.

I never read these books as a child. I think I would have liked them as I did read Enid Blyton and I liked the Famous Five. Did any of you read these books as a child?

The stamps are the normal English stamps, but I like the fact that the large stamp is one of king Charles. I still haven't seen many of those.

So, what have I been up to?  Not much really. I've been trying to follow a diet. I used to do Slimming World and got on well with that. I realise it has changed over the years and I have been going online to make sure I'm doing it right. And of course I had to buy lots of new products (Low fat stuff) and start using sweeteners, which I don't really like doing, but it will only be for a few months (hopefully). I will weigh myself on Sunday and will see if there is any difference.

Most of my plants are a bit worse for ware because of the heat, but my dipladenia is going great guns:

There is a sign on my way to the shops that always makes me giggle when I pass it:
I always think it says: don't pee on the grass. But the translation is 'Don't step on the grass'. That makes me giggle.

The other night we had the yearly Noche en Blanco, which means white night. It is a night time art festival in a city. Most towns will have one. In our village it was focused on fun and sport. Every type of sport practiced in the village did something on the streets:
weight lifting


Spinning, and much more.
Shops had little stalls outside their shops:
And many food shops offered tasting:
The boutiques offered bargains and there were many bounce castles for the little ones:

Needless to say the centre was closed to traffic.
A good time was had by all, as they say.

Those were my smiles for this week. And of course I will have some funnies at the end.

Have a lovely weekend,

Keep smiling,



Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

That's a unique postcard. I've never heard of the author until now.

Looks like much of your little town was out on Noche en Blanco. Lots of activities for young and adults.

I got a laugh at the guy at the ATM and the frosted glass. They were all good, though. Have a great rest of Friday and a restful weekend, Lisca.

mamapez5 said...

Your Noche Blanco looks fun. We have two in our little village and they are mainly to support local small businesses, but there are fun street entertainers and one year we had a little train that took us round the village. Nothing as elaborate as your though.
I also read Enid Blyton but not Arthur Ransome. I don't know why, expect that I had an older sister who was in a book club and I devoured all her books, most of which were really too old for me!
I hate artificial sweetners but I do use little Stevia which is all natural.(It has a slightly bitter after taste if you use too much). My pallet is mostly used to things not being sweet now, so no sugar is not a real problem for me.
If you do look into gaseoses, go for the brand Casera which is much nicer than the one just called gaseoses.
Have a restful week after all your travels. Kate x

Annie said...

Like Kate, I have got used to not having much sugar now and tend to find things with it rather tooo sweet so I usually go for the savoury things. Your post made me smile and the funnies made me chuckle.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Lisca, I'm late today as I've been to the hairdressers and so have the dogs but we're back now then had a few other jobs to do. Not surprised you've been feeling tired with what you've been up to. Nice postcard and the stamps too. It was only this week that I had my first King Charles stamp on a letter. Love the sign and can see why you may have mistaken the meaning. Enjoyed the funnies too. Take care. Hugs Angela xXx

Cloudia said...

Old cranky and dangerous LOL. Enjoy your day Aloha!

My name is Erika. said...

I haven't read any of those book either, but I bet I would also enjoy them. And like you, I haven't seen any King Charles stamps either. I'm glad you shared this one. And it's fun to see your town and all the activity too. Have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

Why is it that things that are good for us taste dreadful? I thought that's what the sign said, too, so that made me laugh. Looks like a fun time at the festival. Nice that you get to spend time with your friend. Happy T Day