Tuesday 26 December 2023

A Postcard A Day -Tuesday 26 December 2023 - T for Christmas!!

 Hello lovely girls,

Happy Christmas! I hope yesterday was a really lovely day for all of you. This post will be short but I have two cards to show you so I'll get on with it:


This is my postcard. It is by the same illustrator as the 'Naughtie Aunties', Inge Löök. Perhaps these are the Aunties in disguise.... Anyway, a fun and festive card which comes to me from Germany. It even has a special Christmas stamp on it with "Frohe Weinachten" (Happy Christmas).

The second card I would like to show you is from our lovely Kathy (Ozark):
It is the first time in 20 years that she has not been able to make her own cards (nursing her husband) and this little beauty is a watercolor that the artist made into a card and sold on Etsy. Thank you so much Kathy.

The next photo is my Christmas wreath on my front door:
No, I did not make it myself. I'm not that clever. I had it made by the florist here in the village.

Now this is the T-Party, hosted by Bluebeard and Elizabeth, so I need a drink. Last week my friend and I went to Albox, a nearby town to do some Christmas shopping and we stopped for lunch. We wanted to have fish and chips at the English restaurant in town, but we found the kitchen closed because of a private party. So we went to another café and had an omelet. My drink was a cider:
It was a rather special cider and tasted really fruity:
It was a Kopparsberg (Swedish) fruit cider. Very yummy indeed.

That's it from me today. I told I would be brief. 
I'll leave you with a funny (or two)

It doesn't mention how many times.....

Happy T-Day,
and a Happy New Year to all!



My name is Erika. said...

I hope you had a fantastic Christmas Lisca. I love your wreath. And your door looks pretty cool too with that metal design on it. Have a great T day and week ahead. hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia said...

Let us enjoy the spirit of this (here rainy) Christmas!
And to buying at local florists!
LOL on the workout - Happy Christmas, hugs!

Mae Travels said...

Your funny is a new version of the old NO L -- very nice!
The wreath your florist made is really beautiful. I hope you enjoyed the holiday.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Let's Art Journal said...

Such beautiful cards and postage stamps, and the Christmas wreath on your front door is amazing - I love it 😊. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness this Christmas time ❤️. Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

kathyinozarks said...

Lovely cards, glad you got mine in time and your wreath is so beautiful! the cider sounds nice and I always love a good omelet Happy T hugs Kathy

Divers and Sundry said...

Merry Christmas! The cards are lovely. Fish and chips would've been good, but that omelet looks delicious. I enjoy cider heated around Christmas time. I've not seen different kinds of cider here. Happy T Tuesday!

DVArtist said...

Merry Christmas. The cards are just beautiful as is the wreath. Have a lovely day.

Valerie-Jael said...

I think this is your shortest post ever! Yummy cider, I bought some here but it was not so good. So I'll stick to my coffee! Happy T Day, have a great week, hugs, Valerie

pearshapedcrafting said...

Fabulous cards and great stamp. Omelette is no substitute for fish and chips so I hope you can go back soon! I love cider, fruity sounds good ! Loving the funnies, Happy T Day, Chrisx

CJ Kennedy said...

What a pretty wreath! Merry Christmas and Happy T Day

Carola Bartz said...

I'm not a big fan of ciders, but this one sounds really good and I would be very tempted to try it. You received some very lovely cards. All the best to you for 2024, Lisca - Carola

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was in the process of leaving Erika a comment when I head a loud BOOM and the room shook. Then I was in total darkness. It was an outage on my side of the street. The street light and houses/porch lights on the other side of the street were on. Since it was about midnight, I was hoping Sally was awake and would call the electric company, but that was obviously not the case. The first eight hours of darkness were tolerable enough, but after that, all I could do was dig out four warm blankets and add them to my bed. For nearly two days I was without electricity and heat. Even my hot water heater has an electric start. I had just enough hot water to make coffee, something I can't live without. When I woke yesterday, I saw the light on my electric clock was on, but it was still too cold to leave my bed. Just using the toilet was bone chilling. I have an appointment at 12:40 today, so this is a copy and paste message. I will be back after I shower and keep my appointment. Just wanted everyone to know your TSFT host has not forgotten you.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This comment begins with another copy and paste. The appointment I referred to in my last comment was for my eye doctor (ophthalmologist). I was sure I was going to learn if my retina was torn and if I needed an operation. Instead, I was taken to seven different rooms by seven little helpers and never once saw the doctor. Each "helper" gave me a different test. Each time they did, they put either one, two, or three different types of drops from different bottles in my eye. I got so tired of hearing the words "blink, blink, blink" after each drop was inserted.

At the end of the day, I couldn't see a thing. I was given an eye patch to wear over my "good" eye. I must remove it when I shower and wash my face because it cannot get wet. It has put a strain on my "weak" eye and I can barely see anything. However, the little helpers don't believe I have a retinal tear because I apparently exhibit none of the symptoms which I won't go into, except I had a flash of light once. Since I can barely see, I will give a half-hearted attempt to leave you a decent comment.

Did anyone besides me notice the "no L"? Lovely wreath for your door and a cute postcard. A take on the Aunties for sure.

I've had apple cider, but none that tasted fruity. Thanks for sharing your postcard, omelet, cider, cards you received, and wreath with us for T last Tuesday, Lisca. I also want to thank you for the postcard you sent, although I see you didn't stop by to leave a comment, so you may not have known I received it.