Hello lovely ladies, It's Friday again and time to share our smiles and silver lining. Annie at A Stitch In Time and Virginia at Rocking Your World Friday will be sharing their smiles too, so let's visit them.
We've had a good week. It has been hubby's week of rest from the chemo, so he is feeling good and is happy. So I am happy too.
First off some postcards I received. I seem to be getting loads now. I have so many to show you that I will do two at a time.
This one comes from the US and seems to be a photograph from in between the two world wars. I like this one because we are all longing for the days when we can go out with a girl friend and have a coffee and a natter.
These are the stamps that are on this card.
Here is another one that many people are longing for (in some countries): the hairdresser! Although this one has a poor dog in the picture!
I bet quite a few of you remember these hair dryers...
So, what has been happening with me this week? What have I been up to?
On Friday I had to collect a parcel from the post office. Normally I just ignore the queue and get my mail out of my mailbox, but for a parcel I have to queue like everyone else. (Amazon will deliver to the post office, which is very handy).
Hubby has taken my sewing machine apart as I have a machine on loan from a friend who is stuck in the UK, but she is coming back soon, so we'll have to sort this one out.
The drawn tortoise was on the back of the postcard with the hair dryers. (It's in my profile that I like turtles and tortoises).
Saturday was nice weather and I spent time in the company of my plants. The lettuce is in our veggie plot, the cactus is indoors and the flowers and seeds are on our little patio
Sunday I went for a walk! It was a 16 km hike really. All the photos are on my previous blog post. Here is the link for those who haven't seen it yet. I was very tired and my legs ached for two days, but it was wonderful. We walked with masks on of course and that is not very nice, but I am glad I was able to keep up (only just) with the youngsters. I was the only 'older' person.
Monday I understandably didn't do very much. Hubby was working hard as it is his week off the chemo and he is feeling in form. He is building a chicken run on the cave roof. (which is ground where the chickens can scratch).
On Tuesday I had a hospital appointment. A mammogram and some bloods. Hubby waited for me in the car and when I had finished we went to have breakfast at a nearby bar. (I had to be nil by mouth for the bloods) They have a lovely terrace, so we enjoyed the morning sun. They also squeeze their oranges, which we like.
You can see, in the photo bottom left, our little patio from the first floor terrace. It's not very big, but ideal for the two of us to sit in and have meals together.
Hubby is also building a greenhouse, (poly tunnel type). To cover the top bit he needed an extra pair of hands. So our lovely neighbor Angel came to help him again.
On Wednesday another visit to the hospital, this time for hubby to have his pre-chemo Covid test.

My cousin was visiting my mum and she sent me some photos from her phone. Mum will be 97 next month. She's looking good.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Of course i will leave you with some assorted funnies that i picked up along the way.
Have a fab weekend
Hubby is wearing a t-shirt with 'Kay-ve man' on it. His surname is Kay, and we have a cave house.
Wow, the first card is impressive.
Ingo still has the old sewing machine, too, I think it´s men´s toys, huh?
Cute tortoise!
Oh, hmmm squeezed oranges.
Great your Mum is that fit. As your Hubby.
:-) I have like tabs open, too!
Cool t-shirt!
And Kermit...
I thought the second postcard was a hoot. I have never seen those hair dryers before, but I don't get my hair washed when I get it cut.
As for the first, card, can you define "natter?"
Sorry to read about your husband's platelets. I know he was glad so he could work on the greenhouse. My friend who is on the same regimen uses that week to gain her strength back before she has to go in for another round of chemo. She is not as healthy as Graham, apparently.
Your mother looks GREAT for nearly 97. So glad she will have someone there for her birthday. You had a busy week, too, dear. I feel exhausted just reading all you accomplish in a single week.
LOVED the dog paying attention. Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend, too.
You certainly don’t let the grass grow under your feet my friend. I hope your mammogram went well and hope Graham’s treatment continues to go well. Stay safe and don’t forget to get some rest too.
Annie x
I love your picture diaries and may have a go at them myself.
That last funny had me chuckling. Made me think of my hubby.
Have a good week and a nigh thumbs up to your hubby for getting in with things
Lynn x
Hi Lisca, I don't know what you mean! remember those Hairdryers Hee! Hee! That dog doesn't look as though he's got enough hair to be under there but he does look cute for sure. Loving the new stamp too. You always seem to have a busy week and there's so much to see. I had to smile at Graham fixing your sewing machine, that's the one piece of mechanical stuff I can fix as they stopped letting us have an annual check on the machine when I was teaching and so I spent a lot of hours after school fixing them... it's amazing what children can do to a sewing machine though I must say it's usually by accident. The funnies are brilliant this week. My favourites are the Internet browser, the caution sign and the over 60's that is so true but at least we've been able to get our vaccines fairly early even if we've waited for ever for the pension. Sadly I know how this came about for women and it was our own fault that it changed sadly as we wanted equality with men and anybody knows we're better than most of them Lol! Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx
Sorry to hear Graham's chemo was postponed but it sounds as though he made good use of the respite. I hope your own test went OK:
16Km is a long walk. I don't think I could manage that now.
I certainly remember the hair-driers. I always hated going to the hairdresser and still do, which is one of the reasons I have made the lock-down a good opportunity to grow my hair long again.
Your little seeds are doing well. You keep much busier than we do, and it will pay off when everything grows. Have a good week. Kate x
A lovely post. I do like the post cards. Nice to see what you have been doing all week and the photos of your mom are wonderful. I like the funny about the brain and the computer. LOL Have a nice day.
Ah you look like you've had a great week, I'm glad hubby is managing ok he seems very busy and hope he sorts your sewing machine, lovely to see photos of your mum she looks fabulous. Loving the funnies too. Have a great weekend and week ahead, our weather is meant to be dreadful this weekend so hope you get some blue skies and sunshine
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