Hello lovely ladies,
Here I am again. I've got an interesting postcard for you this week. It comes from Hongkong, and it features a map. It does not say what the map is showing. I must assume it is Hongkong. The names on the map are such small print that i cannot read them (and I don't have a magnifying glass at hand). I must admit that all the names are written in Italian. Could it be an Italian island? Isquia near Naples? The mystery remains.

She writes that the qipao can be made of different materials but is typically made of silk.
Aren't the stamps beautiful!
I'm sorry that I was AWOL last week, but I spent 5 days in hospital with my husband who has had surgery of his colon, and then had some complications. I just wanted to be with him. No visits were allowed, but I managed to gain access and was allowed to stay for 5 days, after testing negative for Covid. However, I was not allowed to leave the room (again, because of Covid). That was fine by me. A friend had lent me a thin roll-up mattress, and I slept on the floor. Fortunately he had a private room, but the ward was full and there were no spare beds.
Hubby is home now since a few days and he is doing really well.
He still has his catheter (just about visible in the photo) which will come out on the 1st of April (No joke) and he has lost a lot of weight but it is oh so good to have him home again!
What else can I tell you about the last few days?
My amaryllis is flowering for the second time. A second shoot appeared at the bottom and slowly grew into the above beauty.
As this is Elizabeth and Bluebeard's T-Party, I need a qualifier:
One of my meals I cooked for myself when hubby was in hospital. It has a glass of wine with it.
I also made some scones in my Remoska pan (a sort of little oven in a pan):
They were delicious with butter and jam. I ate one and the other three are in the freezer.
My neighbor's son Angel helped us get some sacks of almond shells down from storage.
As you can see the weather is gorgeous. But there is some snow forecast over the weekend, so we want the stove to be ready. We do light it in the evening though. But now we are prepared for a weekend by the fire.
Last week I mentioned that a friend of ours, Juan, was coming to install the stove. He had to make a hole in the wall for the chimney pipe.
Then he closed the hole and painted it.
Then continue the pipework on the outside. Here he is putting the bracket on. The last piece of pipe was inserted from the terrace above.
I don't think I've got anymore to show you.
Here is a photo of me in my apron outside our house.
And this photo i took yesterday on my way to the gym.
Just to show you that spring is on its way!
(The building in the background is the local elementary school).
And last but not least, I thought this Oxymoron Museum was quite good.
Wishing everyone a very happy T-Day,
Stay safe,
I wish you and your husband good health and my best hopes for his complete recovery! It's great to hear that he has finally returned home.
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
I like the postcard, despite the bad English. And those stamps are beautiful. Sorry to hear that your hubby had complications following his surgery. How nice you were able to stay with him despite having to sleep on the floor. You are a great wife. And I know you are SO happy that he is finally home.
Your food looks delicious, especially the scones.
Happy Tea Day,
It's wonderful you have good people in your life to help you out. I remember how hard it was when my husband was in the hospital for 2 weeks several years ago. You must be thrilled to have him home however. And I hope you don't get a lot of snow. Have a happy T day. Hugs-Erika
It's great to see Graham at home. He looks really good, too. I'm sure you are quite happy.
What an unusual postcard. I really like the stamps. Your amaryllis looks good. It is really thriving.
I enjoyed seeing your scones and of course your pork chop and wine were fun to see, too. Thanks for sharing your postcard, your meal, your update on Graham, and your wine with us for T this Tuesday. I had seen all the other things on Friday, so I won't dwell on them.
So glad to read your husband is home and doing well. and was nice they let you stay with your husband at the hospital for the 5 days. The stove pipe looks like quite the job-but nice to have it in place and ready to use your stove. glad you have friends that can help. that is an interesting post card. Hugs Kathy
Glad your Graham is back home, that's wonderful! And great that you could stay with him. Good that you have friends to help, too. Take care of yourselves! Hugs, Valerie
No April´s joke, that´s good, oh, I soo feel with you....
Your meal looks soooo yummy. And yay for those Angels! (And sexy, too!)
Happy T-day, and happy pic of you!
I'm glad your hubby is home! The postcard is lovely ~ I've missed several T days, so it's good to catch up, Stay well! Love, Karen
Lisca I'm so pleased to hear your husband is home and recovering, I wondered where you were last week, I know sometimes before the virus you can stay with a family member.
Your meal looks delicious and it's good you are all set for cold weather as the forecast is for cold and rain over this weekend, i have left our fire ready to go
Keep safe
Jan S
Congratulations to you both (and all your medical helpers) on a successful homecoming from the hospital. Hoorah!
That meal looks delicious, as do the scones. I'd like to try making scones sometime. I got such a kick out of your Oxymoron Museum image. Happy T Tuesday!
Oh what wonderful news that your hubby is home! I can see how happy he is and looks good too. And how happy and relived you look as well. So glad you were able to stay with him despite the poor sleeping arrangement. I certainly would have done the same. Your meal and scones look delicious!
Almost forgot to even mention the postcard- very interesting for sure, and yes, the postage is beautiful.
Take care of each other, and be well. Happy T day!
Oh my, what an adventure you had visiting your hubby! So glad you got to stay with him and that he is now at home doing well 😀. So lovely to see him smiling for us again and wishing him a full and speedy recovery! Loved the postcard and seeing all the work you've had done. Take care and wishing you both well! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
So glad your hubby is home and doing well. I can't believe you slept on the floor! Your hubby must know how much you love him! Happy T Day
That is amazing you were able to stay with your DH for 5 days. I am thrilled that he is home and doing well. He looks good and so do you. Lovely blooms and a great friend to help you out. Stay safe over there.
Glad you're husband is home and doing well. Good that the stove was installed. That sounds like it would be so very cozy to sit by nibbling a delicious scone, too. Take care and Happy T Day
Hubby looks pleased to be home and I'm glad the weather has picked up. Your Amaryllis looks wonderful! Your meal looks great and the scones have made me want to make some ! Belated happy T day, Chrisx
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