Hello lovely people,
It's been a difficult week for us this week. Hubby has his operation this morning. But there is a silver lining: I allow myself to eat chocolate! (Why is it that we women reach for the chocolate when the chips are down?)
It's no surprise that my postcard for today features sweets. In fact they are old fashioned Dutch sweets. I can actually remember all of them, (which makes me feel ancient..) The little logs bottom left are cinnamon sweets as are those 'cushions' with red stripes. The yellow ones are 'buttery' and the pink ones are what we call boiled sweets.
The stamp is typical Dutch, with a bicycle on it.
This week I have tried to get rid of my nervous energy through walking. I have tried to go out in the fresh air every day.
Last week you saw the huge parcel that had arrived in the post. Well, here is the new keyboard Hubby can't wait to play on it and with it. I have mounted it onto the other piano by means of a special frame.
Hubby had been in hospital for a week without food (only a drip). On Friday he was allowed to eat something. He was given fish. He doesn't like fish, but now he does!On Saturday I was going to our allotment to water the plants and our neighbours said they'd walk with me. (I asked them to lower their masks for the photo).
On Sunday I stayed indoors as it was raining. I needn't have watered my plants!
On Monday I went to the post office to collect my mail and there was another parcel. It was a prayer journal. I look forward to using that.
On Wednesday I went walking again .
Yesterday some friends from Italy helped with the olive trees. Hubby had hard pruned them and now they needed fertilizer. The ground around the tree must be prepared and the boys (three of them) did a wonderful job.

I also spent time with Roy, their dog. Such a sweetie. At a certain point, while the boys were working, I was sat there feeling a bit sorry for myself. Roy, the dog, came and snuggled up to me to comfort me. We had a cuddle and I felt better after that. Dogs are very perceptive.
That is it from me today. At the end are some funnies as per usual. The one of the doormat is hilarious.
Have a lovely weekend (including Friday),